The Wedding

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Chapter Fourteen:

The day had finally arrived. I stood by as Mia stared at herself in the mirror. She was stunning and I couldn't be happier for her. I was so glad that she had found someone she could spend the rest of her life with and it made me feel better that I had already punched him because now he would know that my threats were not empty ones. Caleb was my friend, yes, but Mia was my best friend and I wouldn't tolerate it if he hurt her. She turned to me, wide-eyed and looking scared.

"Do you think I'm ready? This isn't going too fast, is it? What if he doesn't like me anymore? What if he gets tired of me?" She was shooting questions left and right. I put my hands on her shoulders.

"Breathe, Mimi," I told her. She did. "Caleb loves you and if he hasn't gotten tired of you by now, I doubt he will get tired of you in the future. Wedding fever is the true test to a marriage. Besides, it's taken four years for this wedding to even happen, I think that is as slow as you can go. You are plenty ready to get married. You look stunning and your fiance is waiting to get hitched the prettiest bride in the building." She deadpanned.

"I'm the only bride in the building," she said.

"You sure are," I said with a smile.

The usher came in and announced that the groom needed to see me. I shrugged at Mia and made my way over to the groom's dressing room. I knocked and Lucas opened the door with a grin. He had been extra attentive to me and Izzy since the incident I was happy as long as Izzy was happy and I had told him as much. I also told him that if he hurt her, he would be sorry.

Lucas allowed me entrance and I smiled at Caleb's nervous state. Jaxon was trying to reassure him while Andrew and Mason admired me in my dress. The old woman definitely knew how to work my assests. She had made sure that my cleavage was very prominant and no matter how I tried, nothing could hide it.

"Are you okay, Caleb?" I asked him. He and Jaxon turned to me and neither said anything but their looks were completely different. Where Caleb showed outright fear, Jaxon was in awe. He shouldn't be looking at me like that. I hadn't talked to or seen him since a couple weeks prior when I punched his fiancé. His sister had called me and congratualated me on doing what she had wanted to do and told me I should snatch Jaxon from her. I turned her down and gave her my condolences on her new sister-in-law. She joked about it and then had other things to do.

"I'm nervous," Caleb finally said. I walked up to him and Jaxon stepped aside. I helped Caleb with his tie as I told him what I knew he should hear.

"Look, Mia's just as nervous but you both love each other and want to get married. You guys are perfect together. Sure your relationship may have started off a little rocky but I see the love you two share. It's something that I, myself, hope to one day have. You two have lasted this long planning just the wedding, which is the most costly, stressful thing aside from kids, I suppose, and you haven't come apart. I think you two can handle anything together, better than you ever could alone. Trust someone who has been alone through a lot. It always helps to have someone you love and who loves you by your side to help you through it all," I said, as I adjusted his tie.

"That is just beautiful," Andrew said, as he wiped faux tears.

"Thanks, Raven, I needed to hear that," Caleb said, hugging me.

"I know," I told him. "Now let's get this wedding on the road," I clapped my hands and walked to the door.

"Raven," Jaxon said and I turned to him. He seemed to struggle with his words and then decided against it. "Nevermind," was all he said and then I walked out. I couldn't help but wonder what he wanted to tell me.

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