A Letter To The Readers

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Dear Fans and Readers of The Skinny Series book 2 called Famous,

First of all, many thanks for all your votes and reads, I would've moved on to another book without your motivation. I would like to thank everyone for all your wonderful comments and criticisms. I do very much appreciate everything. I'm glad you take the time to comment and vote. I know this won't be a long winded letter but I just wanted to show my gratitude.

Now, there are plans for a third installment but I can't say when or how long it will take me to get anything posted. I am moving soon and will be trying to get a real 9 to 5 job as well as trying to re-do Skinny to get it to a publisher. I am hoping to get it published so I won't need the 9 to 5 but we shall see. I'm sorry to cut things off like I did but know that I will be trying to get the third one done. I'm not too sure if I will be able to post it all if I get publish; probably won't be able to but I will definitely try to make it perfect for the third and final book. You just might have to buy it at a store instead. Fingers crossed though. I will be finishing my other stories as soon as I can for those of you who are following my other works.

Again I am sorry for all you eager readers. I know it will be hard to wait but I will try to make it worth it. ;)

Thanks again for all your support and attention.

Lots of LUV!

Bianca G.

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