What's On Jaxon's Mind?

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Chapter Forty-One: (Dedicated to mrsbiebs)

"Take her heart before someone swoops in and beats you to it. You love her and you can't deny it because I can see it in your eyes."

Carmen's words to me were always ringing through my head but I knew that agreeing to move on was the best decision we could both make. I wanted, no I needed to know that she was absolutely happy without me, if she wasn't then it was fate that we were happiest together. I sighed as I looked around the house for my keys.

I had to go and meet with Kori and I wasn't sure I was all that interested in hearing her talk. She could talk about herself for hours and I really didn't like it. It reminded me of Julia and I was still trying to rid myself of her completely. She was always coming up with reasons to call me and I was sick of.

My sister had been right to dislike her and was happy to see her go. I was glad to be out from under her thumb and was glad that I hadn't married her. Kori on the other hand was a terrible liar and I knew she was up to something the moment she approached me, I had yet to figure out what though. She was slow about being honest about her agenda but I was aware that she had one.

I was honestly using Kori to make Raven jealous but that plan hadn't worked out too well. Not after the whole Keanu incident. I wasn't sure what I was going to do without Raven constantly on my mind but maybe I should talk to someone with a better perspective on life. Someone who's opinions I trusted. Someone with a lot of experience. I needed to talk to Carmen again.

Sad to say, I probably visited her more than even Raven did. I loved the old woman and she seemed to enjoy my company. She was always calling me to visit and she was full of stories about her long and adventurous life.

I picked up Kori to take her to some sushi place. I wasn't a fan but I would enjoy spending time with her. At least I would try. She, of course, talked all about herself and how she became the reporter she is today, yada, yada. Me, me, me. I was definitely going to have to end things with her. Whatever this was that we were doing. I wasn't so sure what one would call us because we weren't a couple and she wasn't some overly need friend but we had slept together. It was complicated and confusing to think about.

I tried to get Raven off my mind and it was working for a while until Kori brought her up.

"Do I have a bruise? That stupid Raven hit me really hard and I think I might have a bruise," she told me, looking in the small mirror she took out of her purse.

"I don't know she might have bruised you, but she was upset that you were filming us and reacted impulsively," I told her. She was a fighter and I admired that about her.

"Yeah, well, she is lucky I don't sue her ass for harassment," she said, harshly. "Look, I know she's your friend but I think we should leave. I can't be around her. I don't trust her not to hit me again," she told me. I wasn't ready to leave. I had this vacation and I wasn't going to waste it.

"I think you need to calm down. Raven isn't some crazy angry person. She only attacked you because you weren't listening to her. I was told she asked you nicely to hand it over and you didn't listen," I told her. It was true. Kim had told me she had seen everything and she relayed it all to me. She also told me of her suspicions about Kori and I was starting to really believe it.

"You're going to take Raven's word over mine," she asked, angry and upset.

"I have known Raven a lot longer than I've known you, Kori," I reminded her.

"How do you know that she wouldn't just lie to you to get you to ditch me," she asked me.

"Raven's isn't that type of person, Kori," I told her. "She's pretty damn selfless when it comes to her friends."

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