Another Visit To Abuela

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Chapter Thirty-Three:

I leaned back and relaxed in the soap filled tub. I wanted to let go of all my stress and get rid of all the saliva and just enjoy this holiday vacation. I would just have to put off any thoughts about men and bodyguards until I got back home, and I could deal with it then. I listened to my music and just relaxed with not a care in the world. Once I felt that I had spent enough time in the bath, I got out and checked the time.

Crap! I had to visit my grandma before the dinner and I was running late. I wrapped myself in a towel and walked out of the bathroom. I nearly gasped at the sight of the two half naked people in a liplock on my bed. I coughed and they broke apart. It was the pain-in-my-butt Morning Rose and none other than Kadin, who had come here as MY guest. It was fine because we weren't an item or anything. I stared at them until they realized who I was.

"Oh, Raven, I'm sorry it just-," Kadin started to explain. I held up a hand. I didn't need nor want his excuses.

"We, you and I, aren't together, so you're free to kiss and grope whoever you want. It's your vacation and your business. But I need to change and I'd appreciate it if you went to bother someone else in their room because this one's mine," I told them. They got up and took their clothes with them as they left. I didn't miss the glance that Kadin spared me before he walked out and closed the door. I didn't care. I had been alone enough to be perfectly fine with it. I wasn't one to dwell on things of little importance.

I got dressed and pulled my hair to the side before I walked out of my room with my purse and keys in hand. I searched for Mia in the maze of a place she called her home. I found two youngsters making out. I sighed at the sight of Kimberly.

"Hey," I said and they broke apart. I pointed to the boy, "She's only fifteen and I expect her to stay a virgin. Got me?" I asked him. He seemed to think about it.

"Are you that Raven lady that cousin Caleb's telling us about," he asked me. I smirked.

"The one and only," I told him. He blanched and gulped.

"Alright, then. I understand. No removal of clothing," he told me.

"Exactly," I told him. Kimberly frowned. "I'll show you why you'll thank me when your older, just wait until dinner tonight," I told her. She nodded and I closed the door. I was getting tired of all the makeout sessions, but I had other things to think about. I walked down the hall to see Jaxon with Kori all over him, giggling and kissing him. He looked up from his lady and then questioned me with his eyes, but I ignored him. I continued walking to the stairs and they followed. When did I summon sidekicks? I walked into the kitchen to find the lovely couple kissing.

"Jesus, doesn't anyone in this house have the need to breathe," I asked no one in particular.

"How many," Mia asked with a smile.

"Too many to care to count," I told her with a frown.

"Well, sorry for enjoying the taste of my wife's lips," Caleb commented.

"Too much information, dude," Jaxon said and Kori giggled. Why can't she laugh like a real woman?

"Where are you off to, chica," Mia asked me.

"Visiting my grandma," I told her.

"Oh okay, have fun and tell her I said hi," she told me and turned her attention back to her husband.

"Hey, Raven, can I--," Jaxon started, but was cut off by Kori.

"Weren't we going to go sight seeing before dinner," she asked.

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