Much Needed Closure

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Chapter Forty:

His lips were soft and gentle as they meshed with mine. He slowly stripped me of my clothes and backed me into the wall. I pulled off his clothes a little more frantically. I wanted to feel his body flush against mine. It had been way too long for us. He trailed kisses down my neck and bit me softly. He was slow and precise in his movements and I was glad to have the moment to savor him.

All that mattered was the two of us, no one else was on our mind and no one would be while we were together. I didn't think about anything; I just felt everything he did to me. I felt his even thrusts and his sweet, tender caresses. I enjoyed every touch and every bite and even the occasional smack on my rear. I didn't think about what would happen after this moment with Jaxon. I didn't think about what we were saying goodbye to. I didn't even think of it as a goodbye, not then, not while I was with him.

I called out his name in pleasure and loved the look of triumph on his face when he brought me to my high point, several times. I loved how he could hold me up without looking like he was struggling, as if I was light as a feather. I savored the look on his face has he climaxed and bit him as he released himself inside of me. It was our moment and I would enjoy it.

Once we were done, we showered together and then redressed. I was sad that it was over but it was the closure we both needed. At least for now. We would both try to move on and then come back when and if fate deemed us fit for each other. I was still so unsure if he was my one, my soul mate. If he was, wouldn't it, shouldn't it be easier than this? Shouldn't we be together by now? What if we just weren't ready to be together just yet? What if we weren't meant to be?

I sighed as I brushed out my damp hair. I watched Jaxon put his shoes on through the mirror's reflection. He looked up at me and smiled.

"I'm glad we did that," he said to me. I smiled in response.

"Me too," I said. His cellphone rang in the silence and he answered it.

"Hello?... Yeah, just talking to Raven.......Of course, I was apologizing......No, I'm not going to punch him again...... Well, I hope you had fun shopping..... Yeah, I'll see you soon. Bye," he said and then hung up.


"Yeah, she stayed at some place with the girls and she wants me to take her out to eat," he told me. I smiled and nodded.

"Well, have fun," I told him. He got up and walked over to me. I turned and he pulled me into a hug. I sighed and he laughed.

"This isn't goodbye, but we need to try to go our separate ways," he told me.

"I know. I'll try to move on and so will you. This is the proper romantic goodbye we should've had in the first place. Now, I hope you and whoever you end up with have a happy life together," I told him.

"You don't think Kori is that one," he asked me. I sighed.

"If you want her to be, then she is. It's not my opinion that matters," I informed him.

"What's your opinion on her, Raven," he asked me.

"I don't think she's being totally honest with you," I told him.

"I don't think so either. I'm just giving her time to tell me the truth," he told me.

"I just hope she doesn't jack up your career before she does," I told him. He hugged me again before he walked out of the room. I felt a bit better about letting him leave this time, but it wasn't by much. It was a mutual decision on this occasion and I knew it was the right thing to do, for now.

I walked out of the room and gasped at Sebastian leaning against the wall near the door. He didn't look too pleased and I wondered how long he had been there.

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