Love Is A Many Splendored Thing

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Chapter Forty-Two: 

I watched Jaxon walk away from me. I knew it wasn't goodbye forever ,but it sure felt like it. I couldn't help but be sad that he was giving up so easily, but it was my own fault. I had asked him for closure and he had just agreed for the sake of having me, I'm sure. This wasn't what I wanted for us. I wanted things just to be simple but with me things never were.

"In Las Vegas, Nevada, a prisoner escaped from Nevada State Prison where he was awaiting his trial in the concerning the attack on a well-known celebrity. There isn't much information on the inmate and not much is known on the celebrity police assume he escaped prison to go after. All that is known is he went missing a few hours ago and he is a wanted criminal in several states. Back to you, Kelly."

"Boy, that is scary, Bill..."

The newscasters were always so irritating. I sighed and got up to visit my grandmother before Sebastian showed up to take me back. It was a solemn visit and not much was said. I believed she was waiting for me to say something concerning my situation with Jaxon but I didn't need to discuss it. Not yet, not now. I knew what I was doing when it came to him, at least I thought so.

We didn't make a move to talk and I was fine with it. I wasn't ready to have this discussion. I wasn't stupid, I knew that she was going to tell me it was an idiotic idea to try and run from love and all that jazz. But it wasn't a notion. I really thought that we were going to have to part ways and experience life without each other to fully know and understand if we were two halves of the same whole.

I had spent too long waiting around for him that I had dismissed every thought of loving someone else. I just needed to back away and not focus so much on finding love but letting it find me, as they say. I was too driven to find it and I was blind to it. I had three wonderful guys in my life and no clue as to who I wanted or needed as my partner. It just wasn't that easy to pick. They each had good and bad qualities and I wasn't sure who was right for me.

I just wish there was a way to know, one hundred percent, which man you were meant to be with. I just wish there was one person that could tell me that I was on the right path to my future. Damn it where was an Oracle when I needed one? [A/N: Anyone know what movie that's from and I will dedicate this chapter to you.]

"Mija, running from your problems won't get them solved," she said, interrupting my thoughts.

"I can't have them all, abuela," I told her.

"You have the big one, who's it? Sebastian," she said with her accent.

"Yeah, he's my bodyguard and we both think that dating would hinder his ability to do his job properly and he doesn't trust anyone else protecting me," I told her.

"What about the nice boy from yesterday," she asked me.

"He has this long time friend who is the closest thing to a girlfriend he seems to have and now she wants more than friendship," I told her.

"Well, she has terrible timing," she replied.

"Tell me about it," I said.

"And Jaxon," she asked.

"He's here with Kori and though they aren't official, I just think I need to move on. If fate brings us back together, then it's destiny for us but if not, then it wasn't meant to be," I told her. Simple.

"Fate? Mija, how can you deny that he makes you happiest? How can you shove him towards another woman, again," she asked.

"It's not that simple, abuela. He has hurt me about as much as he's shown me love. Love isn't always as simple as we want it to be and even though we both care about each other, we just want the other to be happy. I want to try to find happiness somewhere else. I can't keep waiting around until he is ready to commit to me. He was so adamant on forgetting me that he was going to marry that evil woman. Just because she helped him forget about me. How is that supposed to make me feel? I can't just wait around, I'm not that kind of woman."

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