Questions, Questions, Questions!

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Chapter Twenty-Two:

Jaxon opened the door to Bastian, who was holding my missing panties. He gave me a brotherly look that would normally entail a stern talking to and a month's grounding. It wasn't like I had left them on purpose. I was a faithful woman, or at least I was trying to be. It was just the Nate, Izzy, and Jaxon were making it a wee bit difficult. I would definitely have to thank Bastian for his impeccable timing. I sighed and thanked Jaxon again for the shower and exited his house.

Bastian and I walked across the street in silence and it was excruciating. I just wanted him to say something already. I walked into the empty house. Jo was nowhere to be found. I was about to head to my room when Bastian stopped me and motioned me to the living room. I sighed, grabbed my panties from Bastian and slipped them on before taking a seat on the couch. I looked at everything, but at him. I didn't want to be scolded for something that didn't even happen.

"What did I just interrupt, Raven," he asked.

"Nate text me the trigger word," I told him. Bastian and I had discussed it one evening and he told me he thought that maybe Nate had somehow hypnotized me to become more lustful. He said it was possible and it would explain everything, from my sudden insatiable desire and the reaction to that word. "And then Jaxon asked what it meant. He said it too and I just collapsed. I called Izzy and she told me to leave. I was in the middle of doing just that when I mentioned my predicament aloud. Then he was on me," I confessed in a rush of words.

"Well, that is not good. Did you do anything with him," he asked me.

"No, if you hadn't shown up with you did, though...." I said, leaving the thought unfinished. I knew what would have happened. I would have cheated on my sexy lawyer boyfriend.

"Well, I need to have a word with Nate about this situation. He needs to undo what he did to you because it could end badly next time." I just nodded as he spoke. I was now sure that my boyfriend had fiddled with my mind and I wasn't so sure I was okay with that idea. It was invasion of me and my will.

The rest of the evening was pretty casual and Bastian had a long conversation with Nate, so long that I ended up falling asleep while they talking the living room.

I woke up the next morning with Tanya standing over me. I would have screamed had this not been a normal occurrence, not recently, but it had been done before.

"You have several interviews today and so your boss gave you the day off," she informed me, not looking up from her phone.

I got up and went to my closet to change. I had to dress rocker chic for interviews and there would be a lot of adjustments to be had once I got to the destination. My makeup people just loved to assault my face, although I still ran away at any sign of that foundation and blush crap.

Tanya had us driven to the interview place, I wasn't exactly paying attention as to where we were as it was still 8 in the morning. We walked in and I asked a pleasant boy, an intern, I think, for a large caramel frappaccino with lots of caramel drizzle and whip. He was off, like a jack rabbit. The stylist took in my attire and only made a few adjustments. She put me in a heels, instead of my combat boots, and a tighter much more revealing top as opposed to my simple black muscle shirt. I pulled on my favorite leather jacket, but she clicked her tongue at me and whisked it away. That bitch!

I was about to yell several obscenities at the little Asian woman, when Jack (intern boy, quick like a bunny) came back with my Starbucks-y goodness. I sipped on my caffeine and swallowed my insults, as they were coated in caramel. She would get it later, if she didn't give me my jacket back. I sat in the stupid red and lace corset top while they worked on putting the color strips in my hair. Red, to go with my clothes.

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