Epilogue: Crippling Truth

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"Here's Marsha with an updated report on the Hollywood kidnapping of Venus, also known as Raven Garcia," said the new reporter.

"Thank you, Jerry. Well, the police are stunned to say the least. Apparently the man they believe is responsible for her disappearance was a known stalker of Venus or Raven Garcia. Her bodyguard was hired to protect her from this delusional man, but it would seem that while he went out to run a few errands, this man broke into his home that he was sharing with Ms. Garcia and took her right from her bedroom. No real trace was left but I am told there are definite signs of a struggle. No one know where the two could have gone but she has been missing for about 23 hours now," said the female reporter.

The group turned down the volume of the television and sat in silence. They just couldn't believe that their best friend was gone. They couldn't believe that her stalker had taken her right from under them. They felt lost without the one woman who had brought them all together, the same woman who had brought a little action and excitement into their lives. They felt the void she had left with her absence and they wanted vengeance, they wanted justice.

"What are we going to do," Mia asked the group, knowing that her parents were already on things, throwing their money at the problem hoping to get some leeway in the search for their daughter's only true friend.

"There isn't much we can do, love," Caleb whispered to his wife.

"Like hell there isn't," Jaxon said, slamming the tumbler on the table. He had been drinking nonstop since they had gotten the news. He had been avoiding her like the plague, trying to gain the courage to pledge his undying love for the green eyed beauty but now he felt he had lost his chance. Fate had just kicked him in the balls and told him to eff off.

"Well, what do you suggest we do? We have no real experience in searching for a person and I doubt we could magically gain some," said Zane angrily from beside Keanu. The A-list actor had been quiet the entire time and he couldn't stop thinking about the last time he had talked to Raven. He had wanted to tell her so much but she was trying to live her life without men. He wanted to be there for her but she had seemed as though she hadn't needed him.

"Everyone, I have called in some favors and they are making a bit of progress in finding her, not much but it's something," Sebastian said, putting his phone back in his pocket. Sebastian was well aware that Bernard had been the one to kidnap her but he just didn't know where he would take her. He had nothing in his name and there were no homes bought anonymously in the area around Sebastian's home.

Alex watched the crowd and sighed. He had been there with her when she had gone to the doctor that morning and found out why she had been so sick. She had even asked for him to stop and get a test to prove the doctor wrong. She wasn't. Raven was definitely pregnant and she had been upset that she wasn't sure of the father.

Alex was mentally debating whether to let them in on the good news or not. He wasn't sure if he would be an added stresser to the already tense group. Raven had accumulated many good friends over the years and they were all showing their devotion to her right now. Most of them had called in numerous favors to overturn as many stones as possible with no such luck.

Alex was sure that Bernard wouldn't be able to travel too far with her, not with her morning sickness being as bad as it was. He just hoped that nothing happened to the baby while she was being held captive. He wasn't sure she would be able to handle loss of a child. He still wasn't over the fact that he couldn't ever father children.

"What are you thinking about so hard, Alex," asked Keanu, finally speaking.

"Nothing, just worried about Raven," he mumbled. Keanu had a feeling he knew what was wrong but he wasn't completely sure. He also knew that if he voiced his concern that it wouldn't go well with the group and it would add more stress than necessary. Aly had let it slip that Raven had missed a cycle but she just chalked it up to the stress of the premier and told Aly not to worry. That had been about two weeks ago. Then Sebastian had mentioned Alex taking Raven to an appointment the day she had disappeared.

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