Acting Neighborly... Or Not

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Chapter Nineteen:

I stretched out as I sat up in bed. My bed had been delivered a few days ago, but I wasn't too eager to return to it. I rubbed my bare belly. Sebastian didn't like my choice in sleepwear, which was lacking. I looked around and pulled on his shirt from the day before. He had gone to a meeting with Tanya concerning my safety and my itinerary and all that jazz while I had stayed home and rested my still sore leg. I had gotten a few stitches and it was still a bit tender to walk on too much. I pulled on the dark blue button up shirt that barely covered my rear. I left the top couple buttons unbuttoned.

Sebastian had been very careful about letting me outside alone, which is why when I walked out into the kitchen and he asked me to get the morning paper from the front lawn, I got excited.

"I bought you new slippers," he told me and pointed to the front door. I walked over and nearly giggled at the Hello Kitty slippers. I wasn't too big of a fan, but I thought that darn cat was just so cute. These slippers were that bad kitty version with the piercings and a black bow, as opposed to the pink. I slipped them on and unlocked the door.

"And can you get the mail too," he said, looking over at me. Right before I walked out the door, I saw his face fall. Once I was across the lawn, I realized the reason for the look on his face. No pants. I looked around and noticed the neighbors outside doing the same thing I was. I waved happily and crouched down to pick up the paper. The men were just staring as I did so. I continued over to the mailbox and that was when Sebastian opened the door to reprimand me.

I grabbed the mail from the box and smiled at him, naughtily.

"Morning, Bob, Stu," he said, waving to his neighbors, on the left and right of him. He scowled in my direction as I walked up to him and then he looked past me and waved shyly. I wondered who he was waving at and I turned to look. There Julia stood in the doorway of her house, scowling at me. I grinned and felt Sebastian grab the mail and newspaper from me. I heard the shuffling of mail and decided to let Venus do what she so wanted to.

I pulled my hand up, middle finger held high and flipped that witch the bird. The shock that registered on her face was hilarious, but what was better was Jaxon walking up to the big living room window and seeing me clad in nothing but Sebastian's shirt. He frowned at me, I grinned wider and blew him a kiss. Julia looked over at him, inside the house, and then slammed the door shut. Then the blinds fell down.  

Victory is mine.

I turned and walked to the door, but Sebastian blocked me. I looked up at my bodyguard, but he was still looking through his mail.

"I saw that," he said, not looking up from his task.

"And," I said.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't piss off my neighbors. You have to be more neighborly," he told me, "My house, my rules." He stepped aside, allowing me entrance into the residence.

"You have too many damn rules," I muttered as I walked in. I sat at the table and dug into my breakfast. I could be neighborly. Oh, I would be so damn neighborly. I thought about how I could be nice to the neighbors and a thought hit me. I finished my breakfast and walked over to the window. I peeked out and looked at his Camaro. Yep, definitely dirty.

"Your car is looking pretty dirty there, Sebastian," I told him, "Hey, can I call you Bastian from now on?" I asked as the thought came to me. Sebastian was just too of a name long to say. He nodded, not paying any attention to me. I shrugged. His inattention would make it easier for me to do what I wanted.

"Hey, I'm going to wash your car for you, as an apology for being rude to your neighbors," I told him as I walked into the room to find my bikini and some shorts. I pulled it out of my drawer and quickly changed. I pulled my hair out of my face and put it into two low pony tails. My hair was just too long and thick for anything higher. I pulled on some sandals that I wouldn't mind getting soaked and walked into the living room.

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