Surprises and Admissions

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Chapter Ten:

Jaxon's POV:

I walked up to Mia's house and knocked on the door. Reese answered and greeted me. I hadn't seen him since I left Texas but I had heard he was doing good for himself. He showed me to the living room where everyone was waiting. I didn't fail to notice the lack of a certain green eyed brunette. She was probably coming last to avoid that awkward reunion with me or maybe she caught a late flight out. I greeted everyone and then pulled Caleb aside.

"Is there somewhere we can talk?" I asked him. I hadn't seen him in over a year and now that I had talked to Raven, I needed the advice of a friend who knew us both. I followed him up the stairs into a bedroom. I didn't bother with the door since everyone was being so roudy downstairs while they played that Wii video game.

"Wow, man, you look a lot better than the last time I saw you. Nice haircut by the way, it's a lot less Tim Burton and more like you," Caleb commented as he looked me over. He looked the same as the last time I had seen him. Happy.

"Yeah," I said, rubbing my freshly cut hair self-consciously, "Jules made me cut it. She said that I should look presentable for Mia's wedding."

"Good, because Mia had threatened me about you several times. She said she didn't want any homeless looking men present on her big day. I would've just stuck you in the back, where you wouldn't be seen," Caleb said with a laugh.

"Geez thanks man," I said sarcastically. "So, is she here yet?" I asked more seriously.

"She isnt' supposed to be here for another hour or so. Something about her job or a new one she was getting into?" I was glad I would have some more time to prepare for her inevitable arrival.

"She gave up being a doctor to go from job to job?" I asked in disbelief.

"What are you talking about man?" Caleb asked, sounding a little defensive.

"I called her the other day. She told me that she wasn't going to school to become a doctor. Isn't that weird? All this time I thought she was going to some Ivy League school to be a big shot doctor and save some lives, when instead she was just floundering and moving from job to job. I can't believe she lied to us," I told Caleb.

"About that...." Caleb said, looking incredibly guilty, "A few years ago, Mia and I came to an agreement, when you and Raven had your falling out. We agreed that I wouldn't tell you anything about Raven and let you believe that she was in New England studying to become a doctor and Mia wouldn't tell Raven about you and you would just remain a mystery to her, job-wise. We figured if you two wanted to know about the other, you could call and ask each other. We weren't going to meddle."

"How could you do that to me?" I asked him, completely shocked at the subtle betrayal. I knew he had a point but I was still angry with him.

"I thought I was helping you move on and besides we were busy here---" my cellphone cut him off as it began playing "Sweet Angel" by Venus Sways, Julia's assigned ringtone.

"Hey, babe," I answered.

"Hey, sweetie. I just called to let you know everything is unpacked. I also got a call from my parents. They said they're in Texas and that they're on their way to come and get me. We are going to visit a friend of the family and we will be back in a few hours," she informed me.

"I hope you have fun and I'm sorry about leaving you there. I just think it would be best to wait until after the dinner tomorrow for you to meet my friends," I told her.

"Yeah, it's fine, I completely understand. I hope you have fun and don't drink too much."

"I'll try to have fun and I promise I won't drink too much. Have fun with your parents. Love you, Jules. Bye."

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