Painfully Clear

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Chapter Twenty-Nine:

The following weeks were brutal and the only light in my life was visiting Kadin and Kimberly for dinner on the weeknights. I was still living in the hotel and Bastin was still with Jo. He had sent over my much needed clothes and had been sending me flower arrangements once a week. It was a simple life and with Keanu bringing his friend, Aly, to the set every chance he could it wasn't much to talk about. I wasn't liking him very much, but I couldn't say the same for his kooky friend. She had some redeeming qualities, where Keanu was surely lacking.

Jaxon had been photographed at the club on several occasions, but this time it was only with one of two different girls. There was the ever annoying Morning Rose. Then there was a mysterious brunette that everyone had questioned Jaxon about, but he had yet to give an answer concerning her. His only smidgen of information about her was that her name was Kori.

Kadin and I were becoming close and we even spent Halloween together, handing out candy to the kids in the building. It was still early to tell anything about our budding relationship, but it was pretty promising. Keanu had been commenting on it when his friend wasn't around to steal his attention away from me, but I wasn't going to confirm nor deny a thing.


It wasn't until sometime in November that Mia called me with plans for Christmas.

"Hey, girl, are you paying attention," she asked. I hadn't been because I was watching Kadin and his sister cooking dinner in the kitchen.

"Yeah," I told her.

"You weren't. Anyway, I was telling you that we have a big feast planned for Christmas Day and then a New Year's Bash with all our friends. I was wondering if you were going to come. It will be at the new house," she told me.

"That sounds nice," I told her, "It would give me a chance to see the family and my grandma for Christmas." Kadin looked up and frowned slightly. I smiled at him, but he didn't return the gesture. What was on his mind?

"Well, maybe, you could bring your new boyfriend to visit," she asked.

"Well, we haven't really discussed the holidays. I know that he would probably be spending it with his little sister, though," I told her.

"Well, talk to him about it and let me know. Izzy and Lucas are coming down for Christmas and you would be smart to come too. Jaxon's coming, though, and I think he said he is going to bring his woman," she told me. I sighed. I didn't want this to become a competition, but it seemed that it was pushing the envelope of friendly rivalry.

"I'll talk to him about it, Mimi. I love you, bye," I told her. She hung up and I went to the kitchen.

"What was that about," Kadin asked and I smiled at him. Just as I opened my mouth to answer, though, Rosa came in with the phone in hand.

"You granpa, he need your help at the estore," she said in broken English. Kadin nodded and turned to me.

"Think you girls can handle things while I'm gone," he asked us. Kimberly smiled and nodded.

"You go and we will finish dinner," I told him. He left with a goodbye kiss to each of our cheeks. I was shocked to say the least.

"I know he likes you, but I don't think he should see anybody," Kimberly said to me.

"Why's that," I asked her.

"It distracts him from his work," she told me. "He likes to lavish girls in attention and forgets about his job then the bills come up and he struggles to pay them." I nod in understanding.

*Famous*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon