Deja Vu

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Chapter Forty-Seven:

I looked out at the crowd as Mia told them the story of how we first met and how she wouldn't have ended up with Caleb without me. She began to tell everyone how significant I was in their lives and then she went on to tell everyone how proud she was of my personal success in the music business. I was so happy that she could be so proud of me. She was the sister I never had and had always wanted. She was best friend and though at times she could be self-absorbed, I loved her just as she was and couldn't picture my life without her.

"I am glad to say that she is a permanent figure in my life and I am proud to call her my best friend," Mia finished. I smiled as everyone clapped.

"Well, I really don't know how I am going to follow that," I said, nervously. I really couldn't be on stage without all my support. I still felt frail and insignificant. "I am glad you are all here to ring in the new year with us all and I am so happy to be here with my friends, who have honestly all become more like family over the years. I feel like without them in my life I would still be that scared little Ivy, who was bullied and tormented. Without my friends, Mia especially, I wouldn't have driven myself to become a healthy, better version of myself and I wouldn't have made the new friends I had. I wouldn't have forgiven all of those who had participated in my social demise. So, to a family and forgiveness," I said, raising my glass in a toast.

Everyone followed and I let out a sigh of relief when I walked off the stage. The boys were standing at the bottom with grins on their mask-free faces. I groaned as Eric held up a video camera.

"That was a beautiful, touching speech," he said, with a hand over his heart. I wanted to slap him. I really did but they hugged me as Gage said words of encouragement. I sighed and new I was really at home with these guys, my band.

"Well, that was just great," said an obnoxious voice. I groaned and turned to her. She had Mick beside her and I just wished she would disappear.

"It was a nice speech," Mick said, looking everywhere but at me.

"Thank you, Mick," I told him.

"Well, I see you didn't really get fat like they said," Alicia said, eyeing me. "I heard you are a singer. How come I haven't heard of you?"

"Well, little lady, have you heard of the band Venus Sways," asked Rob.

"Well, yeah, they are like my favorite band," she told him, grinning widely. "I've always wanted to meet you, Rob." She was gushing now and Mick didn't seem to appreciate it.

"Oh yeah, well, without Raven, here, we wouldn't have become Venus Sways," he told her. She frowned and looked between.

"I found them singing in some small bar. I had hardly made a name for myself as me and they really needed a singer. I asked my producer to sign them on as my band and I adopted a stage name. Venus," I told her. She was gaping now and I couldn't blame her.

"We felt like we owed her everything for finding us and getting us signed so we chose the name Venus Sways to honor Raven," Gage said, holding me to him. I smiled at them. I was glad that they had taken to me so well. I wouldn't have known what I would've done if they hadn't even wanted me in their band.

Mason came over to us with a gleeful voice, waving his hands erratically. I smiled and let him embrace me. He pulled me away from a shocked Alicia and told me he had someone he wanted me to meet. I sighed, hoping this wasn't some kind of blind date.

"My lady," Keanu bowed and smiled at me. I smiled until a high pitched sound pierced the air.

"Keanu! There you are." The woman was a whirlwind of bright colors in her fluffy dress. She threw herself at Keanu and I backed away as she pepper him in pink kisses. He looked at me and I shook my head. How many women was this guy going to have all over him? Was I even sure I could handle that? Did I really want to find out?

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