Not Going To Be Easy

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Chapter Thirty-Four:

We walked out of the hospital and to my rental car. I was excited to see my parents again, but I wasn't sure I wanted to bring Keanu along. It had been fine with Jaxon because he was engaged and an old friend. Keanu was a different flavor of cheesecake altogether.

"We're going to your parents house," he asked me. I nodded. "You can totally drop me off at the house. I don't want to intrude or anything."

I shot him a curious look. This wasn't a Keanu I was used to. I was used to the loud mouth, cocky, always nosy, and always butting in Keanu. This shy, blushing, considerate Keanu was new to me and I suddenly didn't want to let him go just yet.

"It's fine, Keanu. I want you to meet them," I told him. He was shocked at my admission, just as much as I was. I really hadn't meant to say that, but it was true none the less.

"Really? I thought that you hated me," he told me.

"Well, hate's a pretty strong word. I was just irritated by the things you did," I told him.

"You said I irked you," he told me.

"It's a synonym for irritate," I told him.

"I see. So what changed your mind about me," he asked.

"Well, my mind isn't completely changed about you, but I'm seeing a different side of you that I don't find unpleasant to be around," I told him.

"Yeah, well, being around your grandma calmed me. She's just such a wonderful woman. Was she blind in one eye," he asked.

"Yeah, she doesn't let that stiffle her fire, though," I told him.

"I can tell. You're alot like her, you know," he told me.

"Really, you think," I asked him.

"I know," he told me. "So why'd you kiss me?" I stopped at the curb of my childhood home and contemplated telling him that my grandma told me to.

"I just felt like it," I told him and got out.

"Really? Because I thought it had something to do with your grandmother telling you to give me a smooch," he told me. I halted in my steps on the sidewalk.

"You knew and yet you acted like you didn't," I asked.

"I got to kiss the prettiest, most stubborn girl I know. Who'd argue with that," he said. I blushed at his compliment.

"Let's get inside, before I leave you in the car, Mr. Turner," I told him.

To say that my parents loved Keanu was an complete and utter understatement. They were practically planning any way to make him family and that included adopting him. My mom even pulled me aside and asked when we were going to make it official and tie the knot. I swear this woman doesn't understand that I'm not even dating him.

"Mom, we're just here as friends," I told her for the umpteenth time.

"Oh, I don't believe that for a second. I see the way he looks at you and then when you look at him. I never thought this day would come. I never thought you'd fall in love," she told me. I made a face at that.

"Mom, the reason I left was because I was in love," I told her. She knew all about Jaxon, well for the most part, and I hadn't forgone any details on his engagement; in fact, it was all they'd talked about on my birthday when we came to visit.

"Oh, mija, I know but at least this one isn't getting married to anyone else. He likes you, I can tell these things," she told me. I rolled my eyes. She was always the optimist.

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