After The Calm

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Dedicated to KayTheCookieMonster  For the funny idea

Chapter Twenty:

Nate and I had hit it off on our first date. It had been about a month since we had started dating and it was going extremely well. The movie filming was underway and I was playing myself and had finally confessed to Mr. Abbrams that the story was about my life. He had suggested that we switch scripts, but with Nate's encouragement I declined and decided to go ahead and do the movie. I knew it would be a big hit with the teens. There were several big name actors playing the parts of my friends, so there was no way that it would go unwatched.

Sebastian had started dating around and I was happy for him. He seemed so sad sometimes. I had moved into my own room, of course, but I would mostly stay overnight at Nate's. We were both pretty busy people. Nate was a lawyer and always had odd hours. I would only stay some nights, before he would send me home for his busy morning at the office. He wouldn't say what firm he worked for, but I didn't think so much of it.

It wasn't until Izzy's birthday that I would find out something I never wanted to know about my boyfriend, but that was still a month away. A slew of things happened between this wonderful time and that shocking moment.

What started the chain was the news of Bernard's trial. Sebastian had been attending on my behalf. I was still too traumatized to attend. The police had gotten my statement on video and I wasn't too eager to face the crazy person that was still head over heels for me. He was found guilty of assualt, attempted murder on some degree, and a few other things. They would keep him behind bars for a long time. I was glad for it too.

Then Jaxon's drama unfolded.


Jaxon's POV:

I was tired of watching her go around with that Nate character. I didn't trust him. It had been a full month of this and Julia was showing no real signs of the pregnancy. She had all these appointments that she would never let me go to. I was starting to get suspicious. She had left for the grocery store, when I got the phone call from her lady doctor.

"Hello," I answered the phone.

"Is this the residence of a Miss Julia Raymond," the woman asked.

"This is her house, I am her fiance. Who is calling," I asked her.

"This is a nurse with Dr. Carter, Julia's OB/GYN. I have some news, if you could pass it on to her," she told me.

"Sure, what is the news," I asked. Thinking that maybe it was about the gender of the baby. I was excited. It would finally be a real person to me.

"Julia is infertile," she said, sadly.

"I'm sorry. What did you say," I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"She came in for a check up a few years back and she had ovarian cysts. Now that wouldn't be too big of a problem, a pain, yes, most definitely, but doesn't make her sterile. The experimental medications that she was put on to handle that are what made her infertile. They wiped out any good eggs and a woman only has the eggs we are born with. We can't make anymore," she explained to me.

"Did she know this," I asked her.

"She should have been aware of this. Which is why I found it odd when she came in for a pregnancy test. I was just calling to remind her, in case she had forgotten," she admitted.

"Thank you," I told her.

"I am so sorry about this, sir," she said and hung up the phone.

"I'm sorry too," I said, to no one in particular. Julia had lied and I knew exactly why she had done it. It was just too big of a coincidence that Sara announced her pregnancy at the wedding for me to not acknowledge it.

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