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Chapter Fifty:

I looked down at the stack of letters. It had taken two entire days of trying to find the right last words to say to everyone that I loved and held close to my heart. I knew that I shouldn't be giving into him and that they would be angry with me but I also knew that I couldn't burden anyone with my dangerous lifestyle anymore. I wasn't committing suicide and I hoped that they understood that I wasn't just giving up. I would fight him on every turn but I just couldn't find the strength to flee from him anymore. I was tired of being scared. I just wanted this to be over with. I wanted him to take me already.

I sighed and hid the letters under my bed. I would seal them in individual envelopes and put them somewhere I know Alex will find them. I hated to do this to him but he had been my rock this entire time and I knew that he would always be there for me if I needed him. He was the brother I never had and the protector I always wanted. I stood and paced my room. I had this nagging feeling that something was going on. I couldn't quite place it but I knew that there was a bump in the road and I had yet to find it. I couldn't get this out of my head. I stopped at the sound of my phone. It was him. He had been keeping tabs on me I was sure of it and he wanted to let me know he was always watching.

You're time is almost up. My source leaves town in about two weeks and I will have you before then. -B.

Before then. So I had two weeks to get everything in order, if that. I sighed and decided to call my mom. I hadn't talked to her in a while, what with all the wedding planning I was helping with. I let the phone ring until the voicemail picked up. I sighed and left a brief message for my parents. I knew they had their own lives and I was sad that my disappearance would affect them the most. I just couldn't do much about it. I couldn't avoid the inevitable. He was going to take me whether I was ready for him to or not. Whether I was willing to go or not. I knew that in order to be rid of him on my terms, I had to first agree to his.

I spent the next few days going about my music writing techniques and using my freetime to try to find out where I went wrong. What could I have done differently? Did I do something to make him think that I had some sort of affection for him or was he just that deranged? I also tried to figure out how Julia had come to know him. How had she found him and why was she helping him? Well, the second part of that question was easy. She wanted me out of the picture and what better way to guarantee I stay gone than sicking my crazy stalker on me. I wasn't much of a detective but I was guessing crazy is as crazy does and they somehow knew each other previously. No doubt they were related in some way or had previously dated. I wouldn't put it past the crazy bitch.

"What are you thinking so hard about, love," Alex asked, placing a plate of cut fruit in front of me. I shrugged and thanked him for the food. He was taking care of me a lot these days and I was glad to be spending what could be my last happiest days with him.

"Sebastian called and he wanted to make sure I had set the appointment up for you. How are you feeling," he asked.

"Better. The nausea is gone for the most part and the headaches aren't as frequent. That could be attributed to your stunning nursing skills though," I told him.

"Maybe, but I still would like to have you checked out. You haven't had a physical in over two years, love, and you need to keep on it. Can't have anything bad happening to our little songbird, now can we?" He sat down on the sofa to get back to watching the game. I ate the fruit in grim silence. If only he knew what was to come.


Before I knew it, the days had flown by and I was on the way to an early morning appointment. I hated the doctor. I really did. I didn't want to get a stupid check up. I grumbled the entire way there with Alex making light hearted small talk and laughing at my tantrum.

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