Writing Lyrics

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Chapter Five:

I stared at Gage as he stared at me. I tapped my pencil on the notebook and wondered if I should show him the half finished songs I'd most recently written. He wasn't willing to hand over his musings over his most recent stroke of genius. Gage being the talented writer that he is, was only up for negotiating. I had to put in 50% of the work as well. I was still a little shy about my most recent lyrics. They were all about Jaxon. Really sappy and lovesick. I knew Gage would hate it. He wasn't one to believe in love.

"You aren't going to like them," I said for the fifteenth time in the last two hours. Sebastian had helped me move everything from the second bedroom that was occupying the bed and into the open space I had left by the window. It fit there nicely.

So we were sitting there arguing over who should share their songs first. Sebastian was in the kitchen at the table, most likely annoyed by our bickering because next thing we knew he was marching over towards us and snatching both stacks of papers from our hands.

He shuffled them around a few times and then straighten them on the nearest table before looking it over to read it.

"This one doesn't seem finished, but I'll read it," Sebastian said. Gage cringed and I held my breath. I guess we both had a couple of unfinished songs. "I sit at the window/ And watch the rain fall/ And I just think about things/ Things big or small./ But mostly I wonder/ How it came to be/ That I'm living this life/ Without him beside me./ I just sit and reminisce/ Of all the times that we kissed/ All the smiles that we shared/ And the secrets that I bared."

I trembled as he stopped reading. There was nothing else to read, that was it. Gage looked at me and smiled.

"That's good. I think I can add one of mine to that because it needs to be finished. I'll bring it later. It's an old one that I couldn't seem to complete but that's perfect, V," Gage said, excitedly. Sebastian handed me the paper and I tucked into the 'Songs To Be' folder we had for organization purposes. We artists are very untidy when it comes to our passion.

Sebastian read another but it wasn't mine. "This one's all broken apart but I think I can read it." He scowled at the paper a bit before reading it, "When we met, I didn't think/ That I would fall so slowly/ Before I knew it, I was in love/ You are my one and only/ Our love was nothing, but/ bad timing and lust affairs/ My heart skipped a beat/ When you said that you cared/..................... I can't take it anymore/ You've gone and stolen my heart/ But now I want it back/ Please, just give it....Back [hold out note]."

It sounded like what had happened with me and Jaxon. I stood and looked through the stack for the incomplete song that I knew would go with it.

I held it out for Sebastian to read. "I wish our love story/ Had a sweet, happy end/ But now you call and tell me/ That our story didn't even begin/ Confession lost among the crowd/ Lovers lost and never found/ You tell me that you love me/ But then go tell it to a new girlie."

"Like two pieces of a puzzle," I said as I grinned at Gage. Two songs down. Just about eight or so to go. Tanya usually wanted us to come up with half of the album. She would always have six back up songs made up for us by the company's writers, just in case we didn't meet the 12 song quota. So technically we only needed to write four more songs or so if I was being completely realistic.

Gage called Eric and Rob with the good news that we had songs that needed a melody. I helped Gage remember the rest of the song since we needed to complete it before the boys arrived expecting two complete songs to play to. We adjusted it to fit us as a group but mostly me, since I'm the voice.

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