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Chapter Twenty-Five:

"Alright, everybody take thirty and meet back here," said Mr. Abbrams. I sighed it had been a long morning of acting like myself and I was tired of it. I laughed to myself. I was tired of being me. Well, high school me. I seemed like such a loner.

"Okay, everyone," Jaxon stood and said, when everyone had taken their seats with their lunches in hand. We all turned our attention to him.

"We have had a change in cast. We were sorry to see Fred go, but now we welcome Mr. Turner, who will be playing the main character and Rose's love interest, Max Summers." Everyone applauded. Everyone, but me. I was playing Rose and Max was supposed to be Jaxon. He wasn't too creative on the names.

Turner? Now, why did that name sound familiar?

"Everyone say hello to Mr. Keanu Turner," he said and in walked my new cocky nightmare. Damn.


"Jaxon, I'm not doing it," I told him, adamantly. We were in his office and I had wasted no time in ushering him into it to tell him that I didn't want Keanu freaking Turner as my co-star.

"Considering this is your first film, I'm not listening. Get some experience under your belt and then come and talk to me," he said, dismissively.

"Jaxon Winters, you are lucky I'm even letting you continue this damn movie. I can't even believe you wrote this without telling me about it," I yelled. He was taken by surprise at the loudness of my voice. We hadn't every really discussed the script and I was letting it out now.

"Excuse me, but I wrote it from my point of view. I wasn't too detailed on you entirely. It isn't always about you, Raven," he told me.

"Whatever, Jaxon. If that cocky ass tries to stick his tongue down my throat I will bite it off and then I'm off this film," I said, stressing the word 'film' for his sake. He sighed deeply and then looked up at me. He looked tired and older than he was. I wasn't ashamed. I didn't like this Keanu and I wasn't ever going to like him.

"Just try to get along with him, for the sake of the movie, if not for my sake," he asked me.

"Why would I ever do anything for your sake," I muttered, but he heard me. He looked hurt, but seeing him in the magazines with a different girl on his arm on every page was hurting me even more. It all started with that girl, Emily, I found out her name. She was an actress and had dated him to get a decent part. She was bestowed with the part of Ellen (aka Helena Rickards). It was a small part, but bigger than several others, mainly because Jaxon had dated Henry, her twin brother.

"Why would you," he asked the air between us.

"Don't act all hurt, Jaxon, I'm not the one caught on camera with a different floozy every other night," I told him. His hurt look was melting the ice around my heart and I didn't want it to. I had been freezing it for weeks now and he wasn't going to thaw it out that easily.

He looked stunned by my admittance. I wasn't sure what to do now, so I dredged up the real reason I was in here.

"I'm serious about that cocky bastard Keanu. I don't like him and he is a total player," I told him.

I heard the door open and then he popped his head in before letting himself in. I sighed and rubbed my forehead, trying to ease the subtle pounding.

"I heard my name and player," is all the explanation he gives. I rolled my eyes.

"Raven, would you like to discuss your issues with Keanu," Jaxon asked me.

"Why would I talk to him? He might try to hit on me again," I mumbled. I really need to work on my mumbling because Keanu did a double take and then eyed me up and down in contemplation.

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