Fittings, Cake Tasting, & Issues Surfaced

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Chapter Thirteen:

Izzy, Mia, Devlin, Sara, and I were all at the bridal shop watching Mia try on wedding dresses. She had wanted to wait for our opinions before picking one out. I knew that she had just missed us and had saved the best part until we all got here. It was too bad Helena couldn't be here, she was too busy with her bakery and planning out Mia's wedding cake to join. She wasn't too eager to look at dresses because Dane still hadn't proposed to her yet and he wasn't too eager to discuss the subject.

The little old seamstress we were waiting for finally came in. She was an adorable woman with her hair pinned up in a tight bun.

"You, head bridesmaid?" she asked with a thick accent from some foreign country. She was pointing to me and I nodded vigorously. "Come here," she ordered and I did as she said. She handed me the dress and I went to change. I came out in the white and red maid of honor dress. The other girls had the same dress but in solid red and their's were already fitted for them. I was the only one left. The dress was in definite need of being taken in.

I stood on the pedastal and the little woman came up to me. She looked at the loose fitting dress and clicked her tongue at me.

"Do you no eat?" the woman asked me.

"Of course I eat," I shot back.

"It no look like you eat. You skinny like tree branch," she told me. I huffed and stood stalk still. It took a good forty-five minutes for her to do all the sinching and then I was free to get out of the dress. I was finally freed from all of the little old woman's comments on my volumptuous chest region. She reminded me too much of my grandmother commenting on how big my breasts were getting these days. I loved my grandma and all but I wasn't one to discuss how my boobs went from mosqito bites to watermelons almost overnight. Especially when that was far from the truth and they weren't even that big.

Mia's phone ringing pulled me out of my thoughts. She answered it and spoke quickly and then hung up and sighed.

"What's wrong," I asked.

"I have to get Caleb and go look at the venue for the wedding and the reception. The thing is that the cake tasting is in an hour and I can't get to both places in time. Do you think you could go and pick out three flavors that you know I'll like?" She asked me. I was the maid of honor and I knew I would have to help her out somehow and so I nodded without thinking about it.

"Sure, I'm the maid of honor after all," I told her.

"Oh that is great, but there is one teensy little, tiny problem," she told me. This couldn't be good. "Lucas is wrapped up with some commercial and can't help out but Jaxon offered to help in his place for anything at all about a week ago and he is coming to pick you up." The world was at a stand still. I hadn't talked to Jaxon since Julia had insulted me and called me a man-thief and that had been a whole week ago.

So, what did we do? We say there and talked and waited for Jaxon to come and pick me up. What did we talk about? Jaxon of course.

"I don't see what the big deal is?" I asked them

"He is engaged. How are you treating this so lightly?" Sara asked me.

"Raven did tell him she didn't love him anymore," said Devlin, reasonably.

"That wouldn't be an issue, girls, if Raven hadn't of been lying through her teeth," Mia said, pulling all of the attention on her. She smiled at me. "I know that you have always been this way but you should know that it is okay to be selfish sometimes."

"Mimi, you know that being selfish has never been a big thing for me. Mick was selfish and you were selfish a couple of times. Zane was selfish and Kali was selfish. Henry was selfish. I just don't see the appeal there. It always ends up hurting people," I told her.

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