Return For The Holidays

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Chapter Thirty-Two:

Once everyone had started to arrive, we were all sitting around as we reminisced and I talked to Sara about her growing belly. She showed me the sonogram and I told her I couldn't wait until the baby arrived. My godchild. Jaxon and his harem and Alex were the last to arrive. I jumped up at the sight of Alex and ran to hug him.

"Hey, love, how have you been," he greeted me with a kiss.

I smiled at that, especially when I saw the look of jealousy on Jaxon's face. It was something Alex had started to do when I was feeling lonely and I was currently feeling so lonely. Kadin walked up and greeted Jaxon and his girls.

I knew MorningRose from the set, but I didn't know the pretty brunette with the striking blue eyes. She was gorgeous, but when she opened her mouth, I knew I wouldn't be talking to her anytime soon. Her voice was annoying and her giggle irritating, to say the least. I didn't overlook Rose flirting shamelessly with Kadin either. I sighed, I hadn't expected him to be all over another woman so soon but what did I care?

The brunette's name was Kori and she was taking up all of Jaxon's attentions. I didn't care, though. No, I wasn't in love with Jaxon anymore. I was over him and I wasn't going to fall into that downward spiral again. Nope, not me. I wasn't going to wallow in self-pity, while Jaxon had the time of his life with female after annoying female.

"Hello, Raven," he greeted me in his familiar voice. I supressed a sigh of content. I was mad at him. I turned to him and smiled.

"Hey, Jaxon. How are things," I asked him. I didn't want this to be awkward, but with Kori eyeing me, it was getting close to it.

"I've been productive. Been writing a new script. How about you? How have you been," he asked me.

"I've been okay. I fired Sebastian," I found myself saying. I wasn't sure why, but I knew he had always had a distaste for him.

"I figured, since he wasn't shadowing you anymore," he simply replied.

"Yeah, his baby mama didn't like me and he wasn't doing his job anyway," I told him, with a shrug.

"Who's been doing his job then," he asked me, curiously.

"I have," Keanu said, walking up to us. Jaxon's gaze seemed to harden at the sight of his former employee.

"Turner," he said.

"Winters," Keanu replied. I rolled my eyes and Kori decided to speak up.

"Well, isn't this testerone suffocating? Jaxon, why don't we find a room and put our stuff up," she suggested, looking up at him. He sighed and nodded, walking off with both girls in tow.


"Alright, here it is. The list for the room arrangements," said Mia proudly.

She had just installed some organization software onto her computer and she was excited to put it to use. I laughed and looked at the makeshift house drawing on the paper. The attic was apparently some sort of game room and the teenage boys were going to all be sleeping up there. The younger girls would share a room and that left us adults to be paired.

Rose volunteered to bunk with any willing man, of course. Jaxon said that since Kori was his guest that he was going to bunk with her. Everyone that had a partner or spouse wasn't included in the arrangements.

Keanu looked at me hopefully. I sighed.

"Keanu can sleep with me," I said into the silence.

Mia looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I shrugged and indicated where Rose and Kadin seemed to be hitting it off. I knew he was going to bunk with her. I was officially friend zoned and I couldn't seem to find the energy to care.

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