Feelings Run Asunder

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Chapter Thirty:

I spent a lot of my time pouring myself into my work or holed up in my hotel room. It was a sad time in my life and I wasn't going to get over it any time soon. I couldn't take my mind off of the two men I had lost. I wasn't sure why I was so depressed but I was. Kadin couldn't help me because he had his sister to worry about and Izzy was always so busy with Lucas to even notice my turmoil.

So I sat, in the shower, staring at nothing and I wasn't too sure how long I had been sitting there. It was just another one of those days.


Keanu's POV:

"Hey, Izzy, have you talked to Raven lately," I asked her. We were still on the set and I wasn't sure how long ago Raven had left, but I knew something was really wrong with her lately. I knew it had something to do with Sebastian, but it seemed like it was something more. I didn't know enough about her to even hazard a guess.

"No, I haven't why," she asked me, finally taking her attention away from Lucas.

"She just seems a bit off. I know it's partly because of Sebastian but I think something else is bothering her and honestly, I'm a bit worried about her," I told her. Realization seemed to cross her face and then she cursed.

"She was only recently getting over someone else and then her most recent boyfriend had turned out to be a filthy liar and now with Sebastian leaving her..... she's probably really depressed. We have to go check on her," she told me.

"We?" I asked, trying to clarify.

"Yes, we. You, me, and Lucas, if he wants," she said and turned to her man, who nodded.

"Why does he get a choice and I don't," I demanded.

"Because you said you were worried about her," she told me, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Yeah, but only a little bit," I admitted.

"You're coming with us," she told me and I relented.


We arrived at her hotel room, but she wasn't answering the door. Luckily, Izzy had gotten a spare key from the front desk and she opened the door. We walked in, but she wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"I think she's in the shower," she told me and opened the bathroom door. I could hear her talking to Raven, but I wasn't hearing a response. "Keanu, please come and help me," she yelled and I rushed into the bathroom. The shower was off and she had a towel draped over Raven, who was just staring off at nothing. I hadn't known she was this bad and I was really starting to internally freak out.

"Raven, honey, Keanu's here and he's going to take you to your bed. Okay," Izzy asked her, but got no response. I picked her up and took her into the bedroom. I placed her delicately on the mattress and backed away to let Izzy by.

"Why don't you boys go downstairs and get us some coffee and I'll get her decent," she told us. We nodded and left the room.


Raven's POV:


"Ow, what the hell," I yelled as I rubbed my burning cheek. I looked over at Izzy and wondered when I had gotten out of the shower.

"Well, it's about time I get a response out of you. You were really out of it. How long have you been like this," she asked me.

"I don't know. A while, I guess," I told her.

"You really need to get out and have a nice, fun day," she told me.

"Yeah, well, I don't see that happening," I told her.

"It's happening today. So get dressed before the boys come back," she told me.

"Boys, Izzy? Who's here," I asked her, standing up, pulling the towel close.

"Keanu and Lucas, of course," she told me.

"What the hell is Keanu doing here," I asked her.

"He's the one who said something was up with you and he was right," she told me, with her hands on her hips.

"Oh. Well, I guess I should thank him?"

"Yup, now get your bloody clothes on," she told me. I got dressed in a simple shirt and jeans with a pair of converse sneakers. By the time I was ready, the boys had returned with coffee. I walked over to a waiting Keanu and took the coffee he held out to me.

"Thanks," I told him.

"I didn't know what to get you," he told me with a frown. "I just got the same as me." He took a sip of his own. I drank the warm liquid and it was delicious.

"I meant thanks for everything," I told him. He shrugged.

"I just didn't want to lose my co-star before the movie was finished," he lied, not looking at me.

"Yeah, right. You were worried about her, dude. No need to lie," said Lucas.

"I'm not lying. I wouldn't want to have to reshoot with a completely different person and postpone the release of the film, man. I'm thinking about our careers," he said, but he wasn't convincing anyone.

It was a nice thought that he was worried about me, at least someone was. Sebastian hadn't even bothered to call me at all. No apology or anything and I was regretting pushing him out of my life. I just didn't need to be the third wheel in anyone's life and had no desire to be either.

My cellphone rang as we got into the elevator to go down to the lobby. I answered and was rewarded with a very stern Tanya.

"Why in the bloody hell did Sebastian return his next paycheck, Raven? What in the bloody hell did you do," she yelled at me.

"I didn't do a damn thing, Tanya. Why don't you call and ask him why he was slacking in his job for the past month and a half to tend to his stupid girlfriend, who's knocked up, by the way," I told him.

"What," she asked, shocked at my admittance. I sighed.

"I fired him because he wasn't doing his job. The reason you hired him was to protect me, properly, not to brush up on his carnal knowledge with his latest endeavour," I told her.

"You're right. Well, I'll find another bodyguard for you. Mia called to request that you have the holidays off. I'll work on it," she told me. I smiled.

"Thanks, Tanya. I'm with Izzy, Lucas, and, um, Keanu," I said, sparing the man a glance.

"Oh, I see. A double date, then?"

"No! N-nothing like that, Tanya," I told her.

"Well, whatever it is, he's still an attractive man. It wouldn't hurt to enjoy yourself," she told me. I sighed.

"Goodbye, Tanya," I said and hung up on her. A masculine laugh took my attention away from focusing on my feet as we walked through the lobby.

"What," I asked him.

"Nothing. It's just 'carnal knowledge,' really?" he asked me. I sighed, irritated.

"What's wrong with saying that," I asked him. He leaned into me.

"Why didn't you just say 'sex,' Raven," he asked me. I shivered as his breath heated my skin.

This man was a dangerous one. Not like Bernard dangerous, more like 'bad boy' dangerous. I shoved him just as I went through the open door and a satisfied grin fell on my lips as I heard him run right into the unopen glass door. I win again.


Author's Note:

Okay so now that we have all the male character's that I plan on adding myself. I would like for everyone to take a look at that *Famous* LOVE GAME because it really is a ballot and I would like everyone to vote for their favorite male character in this story. It's your chance to pick which guy the heroine ends up with in the end. I adore my fans and I would like to give you a say in my story as a dedication to your support and reads. So go check it out and vote for your favorite because the polls won't be open forever.



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