Damsel In Distress

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Chapter Four:

My pulse raced as I started into his charcoal eyes. His dark hair was shorter than the last time I'd seen him. I wasn't sure why he'd decided to come now, but I knew whatever the reason couldn't be good. I would just have to hope that Tanya was personally bringing that gift tonight and I had to stall for only a couple of hours. Surely I could do that.

"Did you like my gifts?" he asked me. I gulped, but my throat was so dry.

"I did, yes. They were sweet," I told him, finding my voice and thankfully it didn't tremble.

"I thought about doing this the right way, but you, tricky Venus, you pushed my hand," he told me as I sat down on the chair furthest away from him. He stalked towards me and then began to pace back and forth across my living room.

"How is that?" I asked the man. I didn't want to drive him into a rage. People have been killed over less by psychotic stalkers.

"How? How, she asks. Well, Venus, you're acting like a total slut, that's how. I thought you were waiting for me, but then you go around with that big buff dude and you kiss that lousy actor, Lucas Rush. Not to mention the punk that was in your apartment the other day," he bellowed, facing me with angry eyes. I trembled in fear.

"I can explain all of that. Lucas, he kissed me without my permission and I slapped him for it. Sebastian was just keeping an eye on me. Nothing happened between us. And Chris was just a fan who got excited at seeing me. His mom lives in the building and he loves our music. He just wanted an autograph and then he started asking about the upcoming tour, but again, nothing happened then either. It's all just a bunch of misunderstandings," I said, pleading with him to accept the truth.

"Oh, is that all?" he said and let out a huge sigh. My stomach unclenched, slightly, and I nodded. He sat down next to me and took my hand in his. I fought not to pull my trembling hand away from his cold and clammy one. "Well, then, nothing will stand in the way of us being together now. It's time. Time for us to be together, forever."

I swallowed in fear.


Sebastian's POV:

I picked up my ringing cellphone. I'd heard it ring three times while I was showering and I rushed out to answer it.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Oh thank goodness, Sebastian!" said the British woman named Tanya. "I've been calling and calling. I need you to get over to Raven's apartment immediately. Lorraine said she saw her being roughly shoved into her apartment. She isn't picking up her cell and her home phone is dead. I need you there now."

I went into rush mode. I dressed in record time and gathered my things. I closed and locked the door and headed to the address in the envelope. I didn't have time to look at the place as I rushed to the elevator and past the worried doorman.

I had the key in hand and nothing else. I didn't know what this stalker was doing to this poor woman, but I knew I had to get to her fast. I rushed out of the elevator and put the key in the lock as quietly as possible. I didn't want to alert the intruder of my presence.

I turned the key and hoped that he hadn't hurt her. I took a deep breath and turned the knob and threw the door open.


Raven's POV:

The door suddenly flew open and I thanked God that this idiot hadn't thought to lock the deadbolt. I was being saved and I was relieved. So relieved I didn't think to question what in the world Sebastian was doing with a key to my apartment.

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