Character Bio

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Name: (Y/N) (Middle Name) (L/N)
Gender: Male
Talent: Ultimate Shield
Nicknames: None
Hair Color: (H/c)
Eye Color: (E/c)
Affiliations: Talented Course, Kuoh Academy (3rd Year)
Likes: Sweets, protecting others, praise, affection in general
Hates: "Bad people"
Equipment: First Aid Kit, Combat Knife, a towel.
Abilities: Ultimate Shield, martial art training, soldier training

(Y/N) has a massive build compared to his peers, being around 6"6' or 198 cm tall. His attire usually consists of the standard kuoh academy uniform without the blazer. Around his waist is a parka he always wears on him, the parka's outside is a black color while the inside fur is a (f/c) color. His appearance is also muscular enough for him to take more hits compared to his peers while also keeping an agile foot. He has admitted on multiple occasions that he's only as athletic as he is because his talent requires it.

Before the age of seven, (Y/N) lived alone with his mother, Ariel, in a lighthouse on the outskirts of Kuoh Town. His father, Asger, was a ship captain, meaning he wasn't home that often. His mother was relatively neglectful and hated him due to [REDACTED], on the other hand, his father worked tirelessly to earn enough money to retire early and spend time with his son. When he was at the age of seven, Ariel finally found her [REDACTED] and disappeared into the [REDACTED]. His father stopped arriving after his mother left, leaving the young boy alone at the age of seven.

Ever since then, he was forced to learn many trades to keep his lighthouse in shape and in livable condition. He wasn't able to use money, so for food, he dove into the ocean and ate what he could, this ranged from fish, crustaceans, muscles, and even food aboard ship in the harbor that lies in the bay next to his home. Due to his constant maintenance, he stopped attending school until he read that Kuoh academy became a coed school. Due to the distance between the lighthouse and Kuoh Academy being significantly shorter compared to most other schools, he signed up for the school.

When he first arrived at this school, he was met with Issei Hyoudou trying to peek up girl's skirts from the bushes. (Y/N) picked up Issei by the collar of his shirt and was confused by the pervert's actions, not mad, and despite this odd meeting, the two became close friends. Some time after going to Kuoh academy, he noticed one of his female classmates was dealing with a shady looking fellow. Upon closer inspection, the girl was getting harassed. When (Y/N) tried getting him to stop, the harasser stabbed (Y/N). Despite the seemingly lethal injury, he remained unfazed and proceeded to beat up the harasser. After that, he earned the title of Ultimate Shield thanks to his endurance, durability, and health. When he enrolled into the third year talented course, he decided to train under Mukuro and Kenshiro to make himself a better protector.

Despite his massive size, (Y/N) tries to show kindness to everyone, even if they are a pervert. The only times when he doesn't show kindness is when someone makes the person he serves unhappy. Due to his parents abandoning him when he was seven, he's developed extreme feelings of inferiority, fear of abandonment, feeling as though he doesn't deserve to be happy, never being enough, worthlessness, and many more negative consequences of the actions of his mother. Thanks to this, he constantly seeks a master, or someone to serve under, just so he'll have a place to belong. It's a unhealthy way to cope, but this kid couldn't really afford therapy, I'm not gonna judge him. He's also extremely helpful to everyone around him unless that action is something that's CLEARLY a crime, such as robbing a bank or committing a murder. If the request is reasonable, then he won't hesitate to help whoever asks him, but if it does negatively affect other individuals (like pranks or peeping), he'll intentionally do a shitty job. His knowledge is also incredibly imbalanced, being able to do accurate calculations and figure out what people are thinking, but he doesn't know what common terms are, like the "friend zone".

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