Part 21: It's me..

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Song: "Sau Baras" by Tia Bajpai
(Above profile is Jihyun in this story)

Present Time:

"J— Jihyun?"

Jimin looked at the familiar female from long time ago standing in front of him, smiling. Jimin unconsciously raised his hand which was clasped by her carefully and familiar feeling of warmth flooded Jimin's body.

His eyes brimmed with tears as she helped him up and started brushing off the dust from his clothes like how she did the first time. Everything was so familiar.

Their second— first meeting, after so long.

Jimin never would have thought that he would be able to meet Jihyun again. He remained silent just trying to absorb a big shock.

"Are you okay?", She asked with smile.

Jimin nodded slightly.

"Dr. Yong. I will take care of him. You shouldn't bother.", The nurse which was taking Jimin to the activity room said to Jihyun. Jimin looked with horrified towards the nurse. He didn't want to go with him. Now now.

Jihyun just looked at the broken boy in front of her. He was slightly shaking for some reason. His eyes were becoming void of any emotions. Still those eyes keep looking at her with some newly found hope. His chapped lips trembling with frozen words.

Jihyun gave a silent nod to the nurse who took hold of Jimin. Jimin trembled more looking at her, silently pleading for help. Silently telling her to not let him go. But his silent pleas went unheard by Jihyun.
The nurse immediately started almost dragging him away from there. Jimin's hope died in his chest. And Jihyun started walking towards their chief's cabin.

For once she stopped and looked behind at the disappearing two figures down the hall and turned away.


"Welcome Jihyun!! Welcome!! How was your trip to Gwangju?", Their Chief, Dr. Lee asked with a hearty smile on his face.

"It was fun. Although they yet again offered me to join their hospital and that too as a senior staff, I denied it. But it was fun otherwise.", Jihyun provided while settling down on chair.

"Ahh what did you do?", Dr. Lee asked.

"What do you think I did? I had to deny. I love this place, Doc.", Jihyun smiled back.

"It really was a great opportunity for you Jihyun. But I must say, it's hard to let you go. It's nice to have you back on your duty. Here are patient's files you have to take over.", Dr. Lee pushed a bunch of few files towards her. Jihyun picked up the files started going through them. After going through them, she looked up at Dr. Lee.

"Um.. Dr. Lee... There's one specific patient. Room no. 1013...", Jihyun said.

Dr. Lee surfed his computer for the list. "Ahh... Park Jimin. What about him?", Dr. Lee asked curiously.

"I want to take over his case.", Jihyun smiled. There was no reason to deny her. She was one of their top psychologists. So Dr Lee appointed her to the case without any question.


After their daily activities, all the patients were guided back to their rooms.

Jimin was pushed as usual on the floor. This was too common for him. He silently walked towards the bed which made creepy squeaking noises that would pinch the ears. But he didn't complain about anything. Because he didn't want to face yet another shock treatment.

All of his head was occupied by Jihyun. Seeing Jihyun again after so many years was pleasant shock for him. But he didn't know if she would help him or not, if he tells his or more like their story. He didn't know if she would believe him or not. On the worse part, she was a doctor here.

And so far his experience with the doctors here was not that great. So he decided to let it pass as if it was nothing. Because so far he had met Namjoon and Jin too, but they also didn't believe him. And Jungkook and Taehyung were out of the question.

He doesn't even want them to remember him.

Suddenly, the door to his room creaked open. He immediately made a move to press in the corner to protect his body from incoming danger.

This wasn't new. It was their daily routine. The nurse would come here at this time everyday feed him his daily medication.

He used to refuse at first so they would beat him to take it. He stopped struggling after much failed struggles, but their habit of treating him harshly still didn't go away. So all he could do was to curl up and protect his body as much as he can.

The familiar thumps of footsteps came closer to him. He buried his head further between his folded legs.

"Don't be a pain in the ass, you crazy fuck!! Take this before you make me force this down your throat.", The nurse growled and tugged him by his arm. But Jimin strongly held himself down.

"Stop it.", A voice rang from the door. And surprisingly the nurse left his arm for Jimin to scoot away more.

"Dr. Yong, I will....", The nurse tried to reason out to Jihyun who stood their with calm expressions.

"There's no need. I will take over. You may go now...", The nurse had room left for argument. He immediately scurried away from the scene.

Jimin who didn't muster any courage to look up at her, felt her approaching him slowly.

"Jimin...", She softly called. But Jimin wasn't going to give up and melt away. So far, everything was going wrong. He just wanted this year to end quickly so he can back to being a stone without any strings attached.

He kept burying his face in his legs and tried scooting away more in the corner of it was even possible. Jihyun quickly placed his hand over his hair to sooth his panic situation.

"It's okay Jimin... It's me. Hyunnie...."


Ayyo Beautiful Saramis!!

So yup... This is the same Jihyun from 'Hated', if you've read. This is going to be exciting..


Borahae 💜

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