Part 1: The Project

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Song: "Begin" By Jungkook

(A/N:- Jungkook and Taehyung are of same age as they are born in same year. So it makes Jungkook the oldest and Taehyung the youngest)

"Okay Students... Listen. You're going on a year end break for a week. In that break I want you to visit different places. And collect photos. After a the week break I will inspect your collected photos and pair you up in group of three based on the photos. And then you will be submitting a thorough report of that place as a project in a month. Am I clear?"

The bell rang indicating the last class has come to an end. All the students were excited about the week break and started planning the things to do in the holidays. But not the class of senior high. They were given a work of the damn project. But yeah they'll go on a trip or something and collect photos too.

"Hey Kook!!", Jungkook turned around to see a box shaped smile boy run towards him. His best friend. He instantly smiled copying his smile showing his bunny smile.

"Hey Tae!!", Jungkook called.

"Where were you? I thought you would be waiting in class only.", Tae said. They both were in same class. So they always stay together.

"Oh, I went to keep my stuff in the locker. We won't be here for a week afterall.", The younger nodded.

"So what are you planning to do? Where will you go to take photos?", Taehyung asked as they walked down the sidewalk towards their shared apartment.

"I am thinking to go to Busan. I heard that there is one place, no one knows about it. Just one of my friend accidentally ended up there. But he said it's worth taking a visit. And I'll meet my parents too... What about you?", Jungkook explained.

"Wow... I don't have anything in particular in mind.", Taehyung pouted.

"So you can come with me... We will take the photos there, so our photos will match and we will be paired up.", Jungkook suggested to which Taehyung nodded enthusiastically.


The next day Taehyung and Jungkook were set to go to Busan. The camera, rolls, flash everything was set and packed. They were ready for some nice sight seeing. They sat in their seats. And Taehyung slept immediately as Train started to head off to Busan.

'Cute', Jungkook thought looking at the younger. Jungkook have never admitted it, but he had a crush on his best friend. But he was afraid.of loosing his friendship once he decides to confess. So let it be that way.

After few hours, the train haulted at Busan. They straight went to Jungkook's home. His parents were so cool and welcoming. They knew Jungkook's feelings for the younger. And tried to make Jungkook confess too. But Jungkook always executed the idea.

After the lunch they took their cameras and went to see the place. It was far from his house. So they took some snacks and drinks too. Almost 1 hour drive.

The place was somewhere on the mountain. The mountain was not that famous for trekking, hiking or tourists visits. Mainly people come here to take the herbs or wood. That too not much frequent.

His friend had said that it was some abandoned palace. Half wrecked. Not much to see. But definitely the place Jungkook would like.

After trekking for half an hour they reached the place. It was wrecked badly. That means it was way too old. But must have been huge once upon a time observing the dimensions it occupied.

They took a few snips of it. And few means over hundred. Because why not? Both of them were huge fan of ancient sites. And over it, this place was not that famous, that means they were the ones to take it into notice. They're gonna have fun doing their project.

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