Yandere Alex Kralie x Gender neutral reader

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Bullets flew through the air as you ran from him. you stumbled a bit but were able to keep going. your house was in sight and you ran faster.

You ran as fast as your legs could carrying you as fast as possible. You tried and tried to get away from him but nothing you did ever seemed to work period no matter what you did he always got to you in the end. You knew that breaking up with him, in the end, was a bad idea. But he was becoming too possessive and you didn't know what else to do. You pulled your phone out of your pocket and dialed Tim's number. Tears streaming down your face as your heavy breath came out in heaves. "Tim help its Alex you cried" "listen (y/n) Here's what I want you to do when you get into your house I want you to barricade any entrances and go to your room I'm calling the police and I'm on my way don't worry everything is going to be ok" But you could tell more than likely everything was not going to be ok just by the fact that your stalkerish ex was after you.

Tim hung up the phone and you instantly put it into your pocket. You finally reached your house and instantly went to lock the door and push the couch in front of it. Running up the stairs to the 2nd-floor bedroom where you lock the door and slid the dresser in front of it Barricading that entrance as well. Then hiding in the bathroom with a knife that you kept on you. That being the only form of defense that you had at the moment you had to rely on it.

Meanwhile, Alex was about 10 feet behind you the whole time. You knew it would be only a matter of time before he got here. And you were right because at the moment Alex was only 5 minutes away from your house. His breathing heavy he was enraged. He belonged to him as far as he was concerned you were his nobody else. I mean did you think you could get away from him he thought after all that what were you going to do rely on Tim to save you "she's mine but She'll learn to accept that soon" Alex went over and jiggled the front door handle saying that it was locked period, of course, it would be why wouldn't it. you were trying to avoid him. Alex went to the back door and jiggled the handle as well it was also locked "damn" he cursed.

Alex did however spot a window that he could easily climb into. He picked up a nearby rock and smashed it through the window cutting his hand a bit and he cursed at the pain course includes hand. He carefully stepped inside to avoid the sharp shards of glass that now littered the inside of the house. As he stepped onto The clean cream-colored carpet with his now muddy shoes. He began his search of each room in the house carefully inspecting it for any spot that you might be until he came to the bottom of the staircase leading up to the second floor.

He called out your name getting no response but he knew you were up there. This somewhat familiar house that he had been inside of several times. Then again you hadn't known about most of his visits since you had broken up with him. He began his ascent up the stairs to your bedroom door...

Tim had currently just gotten off the phone with the police and his foot was to the gas like a concrete brick. He would never forgive himself if something happened to you because of Alex. He considered you a very good friend and wanted to help. And he knew how unstable how dangerous Alex could be. Ever since the incident with the slender sickness things have taken a turn for the worst. He didn't know if Alex would hurt you but that wasn't a chance he wanted to take. Tim currently sat there Feeling guiltier than ever. He knew that this was partially his fault he shouldn't have sent you home knowing that Alex was on the loose.

Alex's body slammed into the barricaded door for the God knows how many times at this point. "Well damn this just isn't working now is it I've got to find another way in there don't you go anywhere while I'm gone" he announced. You could have tried to get out and find him but you know that that would be a death wish. So you opted to stay huddled in your bathtub where you thought it would be safer for now. Alex walked down the stairs and out the back door into your shed where he rummaged around in the tools to find something. When suddenly his eyes set sight on something that made him grin a chainsaw now that is just...

"fucking perfect" he smirked.

after adding fuel to the tank and closing it up he began his ascent back into the house and up the stairs. Where he revved the chainsaw a couple of times not hearing anything. But on the 5th time of pulling the cord, the chainsaw revved to life and you screamed from inside the bathroom getting more scared. maybe just maybe you'd be able to slip outside the window and down the roof to run away it was risky but you could probably do it. It was a two-story drop so there was no guarantee that you wouldn't break something but you couldn't stay here.

you opened the bathroom door clutching the knife You quickly ran over to the window and tried to slide it open. But it was stuck you kept trying using all your strength and managing to get it up just a little bit about half an inch. By this point, Alex had sliced through a good chunk of the door you push with as much strength as you can muster up and managed to push it up halfway this time. Sliding through and getting stuck halfway through. Alex took care of the rest of the door and pushed the dresser out of the way stepping into the room he quickly ran over to grab your ankle but you kicked him sending him sprawling back. The kick caused you to land on and overlook of your roof. You stood up quickly and made your way to the ledge it was quite the drop but it was better than being stuck here with a crazy ex-boyfriend.

Alex pushed the window open the rest of the way with ease. And he reached through trying to grab you causing you to fall off the roof and blackout once you hit the ground. You woke up in his car sitting in his passenger seat hands and feet bound with duct tape and duct tape over your mouth. He noticed that you were awake and you tried to scream at him but the duct tape muffled everything that you had said. "Oh you're finally awake you know you had me scared there for a minute I thought I had severely hurt you" he chuckled. He reached over and took the duct tape off your mouth. Forcibly grabbing your chin with one hand making you look at him. He kissed you passionately moving his lips against yours smiling into it. He bit your lip and you gasped as he slid his tongue into your mouth. He moved his tongue against yours even though you tried to resist.

he pulled away from you and inserted the key into the ignition and started the car.

"good little pet" He muttered placing duct tape back over your mouth and starting the drive.

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