Seth x reader

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Tap tap tap

That was the only song that could be heard in the couple's bedroom. Seth sat there with his back to the bedroom door typing and editing things on his computer. He had been at this for a while and by a while more like all day. He was exhausted but he didn't want to stop. He heard his stomach growl and mentally cursed himself.

He forgot to eat. He shrugged it off though and went back to typing. This wasn't the first time this had happened. But right now he didn't have time to stop he had to get some more work done. He stopped for a moment to reach for his energy drink

A half-full five-hour mixed with a Redbull. He took a sip and grimaced at the taste before chugging what was left. He could feel his once tired body starting to surge with energy. His typing became faster as he became that much closer to finishing his typing part of the editing. Now came the video part of it.

Tap tap tap

Just a little more he thought...

You yawned and stretched standing up from the couch for the first time in a while. You reached for your phone sitting on the table and checked the time 3:00 p.m. you set your phone down and went to go see what your boyfriend Seth was doing. Carefully you tip-toed up the stairs and to your shared bedroom where you knew he'd be. You pushed the door open quietly and stepped in.

"Seth hun are you still working?"

He muttered a small "yes" and continued to type.

"Maybe you could take a break and come downstairs"

He didn't respond and kept typing.

Tap tap tap

"Please baby you've been at this all-day" you begged him. He sighed out of frustration and brought his hands to his temples rubbing them. He could feel a migraine coming on.

"No y/n I've got work to do maybe another time," he told you like an annoying child.

"But that's what you said yesterday" you whined a bit starting to get frustrated.

Tap tap tap

"Seth" you tried again.

He stopped typing and turned around to face you. He looked awful. He was fighting his sleep big time. And his once honey-colored eyes looked dead, and he had bags under his eyes.

"Maybe you should take a break and get some sleep" you tried once more.

"y/n for the last time no I Have important work to do and if you keep bugging me I'm going to lock you out of the room I already told you I can't afford to take a break so leave me alone you're acting childish and annoying"

You felt hurt by his words. You were only trying to help. then again you know he only got like this whenever he was tired. you knew that he wasn't trying to hurt you but then again still hurt. so in this situation, you did the only thing he would think to do.

Now depending on how frustrated he was this might completely piss him off or it might not. And that was to bring up Alex. Seth didn't hate Alex but you and he were pretty close so any time he was mentioned Seth would get overprotective. Seth would cling to you and not leave your side. Well looks like I have no choice you thought.

"Fine ill just hang out with Alex then"

You could tell you had struck a nerve with that one. His eye started to twitch and his jaw was now clenched. "Well bye, babe see you later" But before you could get out the door Seth shot up from his chair and hugged you.

"NO" he shouted.

"Well I'm bored and your busy" you announced to him.

"But I don't want you to go babe" he whined like a child"

"Then take a break and ill stay here," you told him.

"But I-"

"No its either you take a break or I go and hand with Alex"

He groaned and went to shut his computer off. While you fixed the bed so the two of you could cuddle. Seth slowly climbed in next to you. He nuzzled into your neck and wrapped his arms around you while you played with his hair. "See this isn't so bad," you told him. He nodded and began to relax more. It wasn't long before Seth was out like a light. You kissed his forehead and said goodnight pulling the covers over the both of you.

"I love you, Seth"

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