Chapter 10

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Draco had spent all of his time since his visit at Harry's pouring over books. Another week had passed, and Harry was trying to figure out how to tactfully bring up that he would like to see Draco again. Currently he was upstairs in his home gym doing pull ups, waiting for Draco's next letter.

There was less communication since Malfoy was so busy looking for answers for Harry, so Harry decided to work on himself instead of moping around. Malfoy made him happy, but that wasn't his job. Harry knew he needed to be content with himself, or else he would be miserable due to his dependency.

"Potter! Are you home?"

"Kreacher", Harry summoned.

"Yes Master Harry?"

"Bring Malfoy here please?"

"Of course sir."

Draco had no clue what the room Potter was in was, as he hadn't had a tour of the upstairs. All he knew was that they had walked past Harry's bedroom and further down the hall. Kreacher knocked, and motioned for Draco to go inside. Thanking the house elf, he made his way in.

"Sorry for just dropping by Potter but I found some... books."

The last thing Draco thought he would see was an extremely sweaty Harry Potter doing pull ups. And when he looked at Draco, his iconic glasses gone, and smiled, Draco almost fainted. Suddenly he was very thirsty.

"Sorry, I'm gross I wasn't expecting you."

"Don't let me interrupt your workout. I just wanted to tell you what I found."

Draco sure as hell wasn't going to pass up on this opportunity. He would accept this front row seat and watch as Harry's muscles arched and flexed.

"I found a few different books that we could go through, but I noted down a few specific spells, and if you don't like those there are some potions I could brew. There's better control when you cast the spells though. I would only use the potions with people that you trust, because they open up a mental connection of sorts."

Harry made a noise of approval, and Draco continued.

"So, this first spell will enchant your quill and allow it to read your words out loud in real time as you write them so the other person won't have to read them. I think I can modify it so that it can read out in your voice.

The next one allows you to tap your wand to your temple, like you're giving a memory, and then tap it to paper to note down your thoughts. I tested out that one, it works well as long as you have your thoughts collected. That would've saved me ages in writing parchment."


"You and whoever you want to communicate with would both take the potion. The book doesn't say how long the potion lasts, so I would assume it's permanent unless you brew the antidote. You would have to have some sort of physical contact, and you would be able to communicate mentally.

It's not an open connection, and they can't see into your thoughts like with Occlumency. You just need to be in contact with the person. I'm not sure if it's skin to skin contact like holding hands or if it would still work if both people were wearing gloves or something."

Draco watched Harry continue to workout as Harry was thinking over the options. As he finished his last set, he turned to Draco, having made his decision.

"Is the potion difficult?"

Draco passed Harry a piece of parchment, a quill, and some ink so that he wouldn't have to keep talking.

"I haven't looked too deeply into it, but I can pop back to The Manor, snag the book, and come back?"

"That would be nice. I'm going to take a shower while you're gone."

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