Chapter 69

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The week at Hogwarts passed by quickly, and it brought both Draco and Harry a much needed sense of comfort. They had developed a list of code words and found many places they could hide out in if need be. Their favorite had to be their dorm though.

McGonagall was so proud of how far the two men had come. On the first day she had taken a picture of them in their new room, and it was currently in a frame on her desk. A copy had also been sent to Narcissa, who duplicated it for Harry and Draco, unbeknownst to them.

It was now August 29th, and Harry and Draco were back at The Manor, preparing for their sleepover. This was their biggest yet, and the men were excited to be able to get together with all of their friends for one last hoorah. The 31st however, belonged solely to them.

They had gone out shopping in glamour to fetch snacks, and were setting everything up in the movie room, sharing lazy kisses while they still had the chance.

"You're insatiable", Draco whispered adoringly, in between a long string of kisses.

"It's because you make me so happy."

"What a sap you've become."

"Oh but you love it Draco."

If this was how Harry was going to be whenever they left Hogwarts, Draco was very welcome to it. He missed all of Harry's soft kisses and gentle caresses throughout the day, and he was glad to see Harry felt the same way.

"I do. Gods Harry, I really do."

"My beautiful boy", Harry whispered in adoration, brushing the pad of his thumb over Draco's cheek.

Their spell was broken by Narcissa announcing that Luna was here. With one last kiss, the two men parted to go and greet their friend.

"Hello Harry, Draco. I came early to set up. I hope I didn't interrupt your alone time", she said lightly.

"You're alright Luna, no worries", Harry assured her.

"I don't mind if you kiss or hold hands. Pretend I'm not here. I know it must be hard keeping your relationship a secret, but I understand. You don't have to hide it in front of me."

With a soft smile, Draco grabbed Harry's hand.

"Thank you Luna. Truly."

"Of course. You're perfect for each other", she said matter of factly.

All Harry and Draco could do was smile softly at each other.

"How's Rolf?", Harry asked as they began to set out some games.

"He's doing well. He's very excited to meet everyone."

"He's not going to dislike me because of my past is he?", Draco asked, worrying his lip between his teeth.

"Oh don't be silly Draco. He thinks you're very brave", Luna replied, her laugh echoing throughout the room.

"Not the word I would use, but okay."

"Hey, you're extremely brave", Harry interjected, pulling Draco in for a soft kiss. "Everything will be okay, remember?"

"I remember", Draco replied, exhaling and leaning into Harry for support.

"Good. Help me bring up the snacks?"

Pansy and Ginny were the next to arrive, with Blaise and Neville not too far behind.

"Draco, I missed you!", Pansy yelled, pulling him into a tight hug. "How is it? How are the dorms? Are you sworn to secrecy?"

Laughing, everyone gathered in a circle on the floor, reclining into the bean bag chairs Draco had been encouraged to buy. Neville quirked an eyebrow in Harry's direction, knowing exactly where they had come from.

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