Chapter 68

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It was move in day, and Harry was experiencing many regrets, accompanied by pangs of an unknown feeling. Draco was still asleep, laying across Harry's chest with one arm wrapped around him, and the other holding his hand. Harry wished he could freeze this moment in a frame and stay like this. All he could do however was close his eyes and hold Draco a little tighter.

"You can hold me as tight as you want my darling, but I promise you I'm not disappearing", Draco whispered.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, was I thinking so loudly I woke you up?"

"No, I've been awake for a little bit, but you seemed like you needed some support."

"I do", Harry replied with a sigh.

"What can I do for you Scarhead?"

"I don't know."

"Talk to me Harry, I'm here for you love."

"I just know that everything is going to change, and I'm scared", Harry choked out, eyes clouding with tears.

"Oh Harry. Come here my darling, let me hold you", Draco said softly, getting up and switching their positions.

He held Harry tightly, allowing him to cry and get his feelings out.

"I promise you Harry that I won't let anyone or anything come in between us. I'm so serious about us that I will make an unbreakable vow to you. I'll let you in on a secret though, I'm bloody terrified to go back too. But I know it's going to be okay. Do you know why?"

Shaking his head, Harry clung to Draco tighter.

"It's because I have you, Harry. You are the strongest, bravest man that I have ever met. Throughout everything that you've been through you've remained so loving, and so kind, and you are what I aspire to be. Every single day you motivate me to work on myself and become a better person. You believe that I can be a better man, and I believe it too.

I know it's not going to be easy and that we won't be able to be as open around each other anymore, but we'll find a way. We share a dorm room, and you have your portkey. I also have one, so if it ever gets really bad, I'll know where to find you. 

Let's spend today looking around the castle and planning out places to meet okay? We'll get our schedules today too so we can make plans for the school year. Every weekend we can get away and go somewhere if you'd like. Even if it's just here, and we can do whatever we want. We can go see Mother some weekends too.

If we have to lock ourselves in our room then so be it. You have your cloak, so no one even has to know that we're in our room together at the same time. I promise I will keep you safe Harry."

"You've really thought this through, haven't you?", Harry asked, sniffling quietly.

"I have. I don't want to lose you, and I want you to be safe. That was the whole point of the potion really. I understand that you won't be speaking much anymore. The robe sleeves are long enough that we can hold pinkies or brush our hands together without anyone knowing any better. I do think we need at least one code word. Something for when you or I want to get away."

"Dragon", Harry offered.

"Really?", Draco asked with a snort.

"There's no need to talk about dragons, and I like thinking about you."

"Dragon it is. If you just want to get back to the dorm say 'dorm'. That doesn't need to be fancy, but Dragon can be the panic word."


"Are you feeling better now my darling?"

"I am, thank you. I love you."

"I love you too", Draco responded immediately.

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