Prologue - Alice

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Hello! This prologue is short and so I will post the next chapter shortly after.

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"People do fall in love. People do belong to each other, because that's the only chance that anyone's got for true happiness." — Breakfast at Tiffany's, 1961

Word count: 477

Word count: 477

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Alice's POV

IN 2020, the world was struck by a pandemic. A pandemic that turned from an illness to an extraordinary gift.

The gift bestowed on us was soul mates.

Mysterious initials appeared on people's bodies—they were the initials of their other half.

They started popping up out of the blue. At first, nobody knew what they meant. Not until scientists started conducting tests on them. They found that people with tattoos had a soul mate somewhere in the world and that when one of the soul mates was ready, they would experience 'gifts'. It ranged from smelling something in the vicinity of the other or looking through their soul mate's eyes. People could experience one or more of these sensations. Soon, these gifts were labeled and to this day, more gifts are being discovered.

I found my mark a year ago. I was sleeping in bed with my boyfriend when I woke up to a peculiar itching feeling. Rushing to my bathroom, I switched the light on and discovered black tattoos on both of my wrists.

There were seven beautifully drawn, unique tattoos with the initials of my soul mates.

Freaking out, I covered them up with concealer—using a great deal of it—hiding it from my sleeping boyfriend. And for a year, I did exactly that.

He didn't have a tattoo—some people didn't. It either meant they didn't have a soul mate or that they hadn't been given one yet.

I had no idea who my soul mates were. I haven't experienced any of the strange phenomena reported by others. Since it was still new, I was wary and afraid. I loved my boyfriend Liam and I couldn't imagine parting from him.

And now, a year later, I was still pretending I didn't have a soul mate.

That was, until the day I could see through another's eyes.

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You can also read this book on Inkitt for FREE (by clicking on the link in the comments section, you are supporting me):

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