Chapter 86 - Alice

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"You want to be people? Let's be people." - Bones and All, 2022

Word count: 1283

THE sound of my phone ringing caught my attention

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THE sound of my phone ringing caught my attention. Smiling in relief, I lunged for the phone on my bed and swiped the answer button.

A familiar face I haven't seen in months popped up on Facetime. Her bright smile and gleaming brown orbs evoked feelings of happiness from me. 

Anna looked good. Really good. 

She was practically glowing, her eyes vibrant and her hair untamed. In the background, I could faintly hear the sound of BTS songs. I chuckled at that—happy she hadn't lost her love for their music. 

"Alice!" She chirped. There was no malice or irritation laced in her tone. Honestly, I was surprised she messaged me back, primarily since we hadn't spoken in months. So, when she did reply, I assumed she would be annoyed at me. "It's been so long! How are you?"

I shouldn't have doubted Alice. She was a good person through and through. She was the type of friend I should have had from the start. I hoped I could be what she needed as well. 

Smiling at the camera, I crossed my legs, "I'm good. Very good. I miss you though. I—I'm sorry I haven't spoken to you in a long time."

She brushed it off, "It's fine, Alice. You were going through a lot. Plus, I've been super busy too. College has been kicking my ass."

"Really? Tell me everything that has happened to you," I demanded, staring at her expectantly. It had been too long. I wondered what had occurred in her life—if anything had changed drastically.

We talk for hours, catching up on each other's lives. Anna and Spring are going steadily—Spring has started speaking to her mother again which is good. Anna actually saw Liam again recently. She told me he had a tattoo on his wrist—a tattoo with his soul mate's initials. I was beyond shocked when she told me this. 

What did Liam think of it? Did he want to meet his soul mate? I hoped he did. I really did. He was a good person and deserved happiness.

Anna didn't know Liam well enough to pry which was fair. It led me to question whether I should message him. Would that be too weird? Too invasive? Did I have any right anymore? We hadn't parted on bad terms but it had been months. He might not want me interfering in his life now. 

As for Ara, there wasn't a lot to say. Anna hadn't seen her and she was glad. A part of me always wondered what happened to her—was she still at college? Did she meet anyone? What were her views on me? 

Perhaps I was never meant to know. I could live with that. Ara wasn't part of my world anymore. She had left the moment she showed her true colors. She didn't support my relationship and then got with my ex to hurt me. I could see that now. My heart hurt for Liam—he didn't deserve to be used like that. He was a good guy and I wished him the best with his soul mate. 

Getting back to Anna, she had just finished her second year of college. When she told me, for a moment, I was transported back to when I first started at Princeton. I was so excited to go places in the writing world. It was almost comical how my life had done a one-eighty. I was living in a different country and had abandoned writing.

Maybe one day I would return to it. But for now, I had lost my passion for it. I loved working with my soul mates. It meant I got to see them all of the time.

"So, what about you? You said you're in Seoul which means..."

"Yeah," I smiled despite the churning feeling in my stomach as I recalled what had happened in the past. "We accidentally found each other at my work, of all places. Fate must have really wanted us together. It took us a bit of time—I was a bitch to them—but we eventually worked things out."

Anna beamed back at me. "I'm so glad. I was worried I would have to start hating BTS."

I shook my head at her, "Definitely not. I wouldn't stop you from listening to what you love. Also, I'm pretty sure I can hear their music now."

Anna blushed and dipped her head low. "Uh, well, I sort of got Spring into them. She's been obsessing over them ever since."

"Does...does she know about me? A—and them?" I asked, hesitantly.

Anna shook her head, "No, don't worry. Your secret is safe with me."

"I'm not worried about her spilling anything. She's your soul mate so I trust her. I—I was just curious. How do you think she will react when she finds out?"

Anna took a moment to reply. "She would be happy for you, maybe even jealous." I giggled at her theory. "I mean, even I was jealous. That's saying a lot since I'm a lesbian."

"Why didn't you tell me that earlier?"

Anna shrugged her shoulders, "It wasn't a big deal. I think I was more jealous that you got to see my IDOL's daily." She explained, honestly.

"That makes sense. If it's any consolation, they ask about you sometimes. They approve of you as my best friend." I told her, smirking. That was going to make her day. After finding out they were my soul mates, she revealed her true love for my soul mates. Anna helped me learn their songs. 

I don't know how it was possible but her eyes brightened even more. She was practically glowing.

"And...we'd be honored to have you visit with Spring," I added. The boys and I talked and they thought it would be a great idea for Anna to visit.

She squealed in delight, "Are you being serious right now? I'd love to come and visit you guys! Spring would love too as well."

Suddenly, Anna got a notification on her phone. She ignored it at first but then more and more notifications followed. Just as Anna was about to unlock her phone, I spotted Spring barge in, her face distressed. She was standing at the door to Anna's room, darting her eyes between us.

"Babe, what is it?" Anna glanced over her shoulder and asked. Her voice trembled, causing worry to itch inside of me. I patted my clammy hands on my jeans, keeping my full attention on them. Something didn't feel right.

"Spring?" Anna called out to her soul mate, alarmed. 

"A—Alice, she...she's trending."

WHAT?! I was trending? Holy shit, there could only be one reason. One explanation.

My face had paled and my heart had practically stopped. This could not be happening. I knew what she was going to say before she said it.

But the news was still a blow to my heart. 

"Someone leaked her identity. The whole world knows she is the soul mate of BTS."

And that, ladies and gentlemen, was how the world found out about me. 

You can also read ahead on Inkitt for a small fee! 

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