Chapter 73 - Alice

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"After all, tomorrow is another day!" - Gone With The Wind, 1939

Word count: 1706

I had no idea what to wear

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I had no idea what to wear. My eyes flitted over my small wardrobe, searching for something to wear. I shouldn't care what I wore but I did. I wanted to make some sort of impression. Which was so silly the moment I thought it because they knew who I was, and they didn't care what I wore.

Still, I couldn't find anything to wear. Or maybe I was delaying the inevitable. Seeing them. Spending a whole day with them. It terrified me.

I missed them. That was the truth. I really did. And I hated that I missed them. Spending time with them would only cause more heartache for me.

Sighing in exasperation, I checked the time. My eyes nearly bugged out of my sockets when I saw that I had twenty minutes until they would arrive. Shit!

I grabbed the first thing I saw—a pretty knee-length dress with floral patterns. Throwing it on, I added a dash of mascara and lip gloss to my face and brushed my hair. I didn't want them to think I got dolled up for them.

Swiping my bag off the bed, I stuffed the essentials inside and then left my apartment. My heart was beating so loudly in my chest that I was afraid it would explode as I made my way over to the lift.

When I reached the basement where I suspected they would have parked, I paused. Could I do this?

I didn't have time to think things through because my name was being called. Glancing to the right, I spotted Hobi leaning out of the car. He looked happier than when I last saw him but the light that graced his dark orbs was nowhere in sight. That was because of me.

Sucking in a shuddering breath, I approached the car. Hobi stepped out and opened the van door, giving me a good look at my other soul mates. Jin was at the wheel of the car with Yoon-gi next to him. They had both popped their heads between the gap to get a better look at me. Namjoon, Jungkook, and Taehyung were situated at the back of the car. The former had a small smile on his face whilst the two youngest gawked at me. As for Jimin, who I guessed was sitting next to Hobi, he looked nervous. Very nervous.

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