Out With The Mellow, Through The Woods

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After making a stop at the Pokémart for supplies, they passed through the gates connecting Viridian City to Viridian Forest. As they were about to enter Viridian Forest, a girl stopped them, holding out a wadded piece of paper.

Girl: Here, you guys might want to take a map. That place is a maze and you don't want to get lost in there.

Ash: *takes map* Thanks. *opens map* Now, I think we're supposed to go this way.... Oops, I think I meant this way. Or maybe over...

Misty: For one, it actually helps to have the map on the right side. On second thought, let me handle the directions.

Ash smiled sheepishly as his new travelmate took the map, reading it for him.

Ash: Sorry. I'm not very good with maps.

Misty: *sarcasm* I couldn't tell.

Misty found the right path, which they walked down. About a half-hour later, they heard a snap, which made them look up, seeing movement in the trees.

Misty: *nervous* What was that?

Ash: Probably a Bug Pokémon. Viridian Forest is crawling with them, from what I heard.

Misty stopped in her tracks and glared at Ash, grabbing his shoulders as she had a panicked look in her eye.

Misty: Bugs?! You didn't tell me there was going to be Bug Pokémon here!

Ash: I thought you knew! And what's wrong with Bug types?

However, the yelling startled Green awake, who drowsily peeked out of Ash's backpack and looked around.

Green: Where are we?... *notices Misty* What's she doing here?

Cobalt: We're in Viridian Forest and apparently Misty doesn't like Bug Pokémon. Also, Ash invited her to come with us, so we're traveling together now.

Green: Ah, gotcha.

Misty: Bugs are creepy and gross! They're one of the three most disgusting things out there!

Ash: *as Green climbs down* What are the other disgusting things?

Cobalt: If she says Pecha berries, I swear to Arceus....

Misty: Carrots, peppers, and BUGS! Everyone has something they don't like, and I DON'T LIKE BUGS!

Ash: Well, I definitely agree with you on the pepper part.

Misty: Why? Accidentally thought pepper sauce was ketchup?

Ash: No, worse. I ate a jalapeño slice when I thought it was an olive. *shudders* And I'm not that disgusted with carrots and Bug type Pokemon aren't that bad either.

Misty: *growls* Well, I think they're disgusting.

Ash wasn't going to argue with her now, since he and his team just discovered that Misty was s when she was mad. However, Psi then pops out of their ball, informing them of something the girl would... Probably be better off not knowing.

Psi: Considering I have heard Misty's grievances, would this be a bad time to tell her that there has been a Caterpie tailing us for fifteen minutes now?

Ash: There has?

Psi pointed down the road the way they came, Ash turning to reveal a small Caterpie following about ten feet away, its eyes fixed on Misty.

Ash: Yeah, probably not.

Misty: Probably not what?

Ash: Nothing too important. Psi was just asking me something.

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