Cerulean Splashdown

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Ash asked his friends if it was okay to stop and train for a day or two before heading to the Gym, Brock checked their supplies, then said that it would be completely fine. Misty agreed as well, though something seemed to be bothering her. When Ash asked, she just smiled and said that she was fine.

With Brock and Misty's help, and a lot of hard work, Ash's Pokémon were soon up to Level twenty and ready for the Cerulean Gym. Green had forgotten Leech Seed in order to learn the much more powerful Energy Ball and like his brother, he was incredibly quick and evasive; swooping in to attack his opponents and getting out of the way before they even had a chance to react. While going against Onix, Psi had mastered Psycho Cut, slamming the energy wave into Onix and sending him flying face-first into a tree. As you can imagine, Geodude wasn't too happy about that. Cobalt didn't learn any new moves, but he improved his Speed and Attack. Though there was an incident involving Bone Rush when he accidentally threw it into the woods.

Green: Don't worry, I'll get it.

The Treecko had gone into the area, finding the bone jetting out of a tree. When he tried to pull it out, he accidentally broke it in half, much to his horror.

Green: Uh oh....... *towards group* Hey, Co! Someone took your bone thingy and replaced it with a broken one!

Cobalt: AGAIN?!

However, that's when Green and the others found out that the Bone Rush could be broken into 2 smaller bones, thus allowing Cobalt to dual wield. Much to Misty's joy, her Metapod evolved, becoming a beautiful Butterfree. The Bug was a quick learner, and soon knew Confusion, Poison Powder, Stun Spore, and Sleep Powder. On the morning of the third day, Ash decided his Pokémon were ready and they made their way towards Cerulean City. Misty was acting even more nervous then she had before, and for at least the fifth time in the past few days, Ash asked her what was wrong.

Misty: Nothing! But are you sure you want to go to Cerulean City? You don't want any Pokémon from there! They're all big, scary Ghost Pokémon that look like...this!

She made a face that was obviously meant to be scary, but turned out to be more funny than anything. Ash nearly fell down laughing. Though when he noticed she wasn't too amused, he stopped.

Ash: Nice face, Misty. I'm not going there to get Pokémon anyway. I'm going to try for my second Badge."

Misty: But you don't want to go to the Cerulean Gym!

Brock: Why not?

Misty: It's all..... dingy and disgusting! The Vermillion Gym is much, much nicer! Plus Vermillion is right on the water, has a lot of neat Pokémon and you can watch all the giant yachts pulling into the harbor! Plus, there's a little park up on a hill where you can watch the sunset and it's so romantic!

Ash: I've heard of the Vermillion Gym City Leader. His name's Lieutenant Surge, he's a retired army veteran. He's really tough and I want to get a little more experience before I go up against him. Plus, I'll need to get the Cerulean Badge eventually anyway. I wonder who the Gym Leader is and what Pokémon they use? I can't believe I forgot to check!

He pulled his Indigo League handbook out of his bag and started to flip through it, but Misty snatched it out of his hand.

Misty: You don't need this! Do you really want to wreck the surprise? *throws book into bush*

Ash: Hey, I paid for that!

He glared at Misty as Psi used their telekinesis to retrieve the book and give it back to Ash.

Ash: Okay, what's with you? Something's clearly bothering you and you're acting kind of crazy! I'm your friend; can't you trust me enough to tell me what's going on?

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