Maxing Out And Meeting The Monarch

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After Serena managed to win her contest in Circhester, the group had decided to make their way to Hulbury, where they would catch the cruise liner to get to Unova. However, they were caught at a bad time at the ticket office.

Gary: What do you mean the next boat doesn't leave until tomorrow?!

Clerk: I'm very sorry, but it's the busy season. After the holidays, people are coming back home to or from other regions by boat if they can't go by plane.

Ash: But we need to get to Nimbasa as soon as possible.

Serena: Along with Virbank.

Clerk: Sorry, kids. I can reserve you a spot on that ship though.

With a sigh of defeat, the group accepted the offer and left with their tickets for the upcoming cruise ship.

Green: Great, now we're trapped here until tomorrow. It's like Cinnibar all over again!

Serena: Cinnibar?

Ash: Tell you later. But relax Green, the next Frontier battle isn;t going anywhere.

Cobalt: Yeah, but what are we supposed to do for the next 3 days?

Ash: I don;t know. Train? Maybe-

Gary: Hey, what's going on over there?

The group had noticed a large crowd was swarming in front of a large arena on the outskirt of Hulbury right next to a lighthouse. As they approached, the group could hear excited screaming from inside.

Green: Wonder what all these people are for.

Cobalt: Who knows. Whatever it is, it must be something big.

Ash: *addresses man* Excuse me, sir, but what is this huge crowd for?

Man: Oh, it's one of the battles in this year's World Coronation Series!

Cobalt: "World Coronation Series"?

Gary: Sounds like a big deal.

Man: You bet! Leon, the champion of Galar, is facing off against Nessa, the Hulbury gym leader! People are fighting tooth and nail to see them battle!

Serena: The champion of Galar?

Ash: *slowly gets excited* Guys... I think I know what I want to do right now!


After managing to squeeze past the crowd and make it into the stadium, Ash let out some of his Pokemon to watch the match as they managed to make it to the 2 front rows.

Aiden: What's going on, Ash?

Kestrel: Where are we?

Ash: We're watching a battle for something called the World Coronation Series. I thought it'd be a good idea for us to watch and get some ideas for new strategies for the Battle Frontier.

As the Pokemon agreed and took their seats. Yami immediately vanished and reappeaed, plopping down next to Hunter with a gigantic tub full of popcorn.

Hunter: Jesus, Yami. Think you got enough popcorn?

Yami: You know what's funny? THIS is a SMALL.

Azula: That explains why it costed 10 bucks, huh? How'd you get money, anyway?

Yami: *smirks* I took a 20 from Gary's wallet.

Suddenly, the lights dimmed and an announcer spoke up, catching the crowd's attention as they looked down at the battlefield to see two people walking onto the opposite sides of the field as colorful spotlights shone down upon them.

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