The Next Eevee-Lution

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After leaving House Imitay and Green evolving into a Sceptile, our heroes continued on their journey to find Cinnibar Island, where they hope Ash will be able to get his 7th gym badge. However, Ash stopped in his tracks as he heard a voice from far off.

???: Hello?

Brock: Ash, what is it?

Ash: Don;t you hear that?

Misty: ....Hear what?

???: Hello?

Ash: That! It's like someone calling out to us.

Brock: I don;t hear anything.

Cobalt: Actually, I hear it.

Green: Yeah, me too.

Ash: Cobalt and Green say they hear it too. Maybe it's a Pokemon?

Misty: Maybe. *to Cobalt and Green* Alright, guys, Lead the way.

Nodding, the Lucario and Scpetile followed the constant cries, which actually grew louder for Misty and Brock as they approached. As the cries grew louder, they stumbled upon a little Eevee with a collar around its neck attached to a leash that was tied to a tree. It resided in a hole within a tree, with two bowls next to it.

Eevee: Help...

Misty: *gasps* You poor thing.

Misty immediately released the Eevee from its leash, picking it up as Ash came up to her.

Ash: What happened to you?

Eevee: My trainer took me here on a walk and said he had to go to the bathroom. He hasn;t come back yet... Can you help me? I wanna go home.

Brock: *after Ash translates* You guys don't think he's been abandoned, do you?

Cobalt: I hope not.

Misty: There's an address on the tag. "314 Ore Avenue, Stone Town". *abrasive* I think we should have a talk with this "trainer".

As the others agreed, they made their way to the nearby Stone Town, famous for the biggest deposit of evolution stones in Kanto. On the way to the address, Ash decided to scan the Eevee with his Pokedex.

Pokedex: Eevee, the Evolution Pokémon. A Normal type. Because of its unstable DNA, Eevee has the ability and potential to evolve into 8 different evolutions based on its surroundings.

Green: 8 different evolutions? Holy crap!

Cobalt: How can you decide between 8 different forms to stay as forever?

Ash: That's the curse of an Eevee, I guess.

Brock: Hey, guys. I found it. "314 Ore Avenue".

The 5 looked up in amazement at the sight of a giant house wth blue roofs and high fences in front of them. As they entered the property, they were surprised to see that on the lawn, there were a lot of people, possibly most of the town since it was an enclosed area. Along with that, there was a fountain, along with multiple tables with wide spreads of food.

Brock: Looks like a garden party.

Green: Not much of a party if everyone's standing around like this. Guess you could say the fum has... wilted. *chuckles* Plant zinger.

Off to the side, a boy with spiky yellow hair with a dog-like Pokemon with spiked yellow fiur stood by him as he touched a blue stone to a Poliwhirl, causing it to glow and evolve into Poliwrath.

Boy: Congratulations, your Poliwhirl is now a Poliwrath.

Girl: Thank you so much.

Ash: Look at all the Pokemon here. They're all Pokemon that use stones to evolve.

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