Taking It By The Horn

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At the same time Ash was having his battle with Damian in Kanto, the girl Serena was in her room in Kalos, now sporting much shorter hair. After finishing Rhyhorn Race training for the day (which she absolutely hated, just listen for once, MOM!), Grace had decided to have Serena get a haircut, due to the weather in Kalos starting to get much warmer.

Currently, the girl wore a red coat over a short pink dress adorned with a blue bow, grey knee socks and brown shoes. She was standing in front of a mirror, looking to see how she looked wearing a large purple hat, only to shake her head in disapproval and throw it onto her bed, along with several other hats. As she sat at her table, a knock sounded at the door.

Serena: It's open.

The door opened, revealing Grace and Fletchling, who flew into the room and landed on her head.

Fletchling: Oooh, nice hats.

Grace: Are you going out?

Serena: Maybe, I don;t know... *picks up hats* Hey, Mom. Which one should I wear?

Grace looked between the two hats Serena had left, a small pink straw hat with a black ribbon and a mahogony knitted cap with a puffball on top. Looking between the two, Grace pointed to the puffball hat.

Grace: I like that one.

Serena: Hm..... Okay, then this one.

The bird flew off Serena's head as she then threw the other hat aside, putting on the straw hat.

Serena: What do you think, Fletchling?

Fletching: Aw Seree, you look like a million berries!

Grace: If you already knew, why did you ask me?

Serena: Whichever one you didn;t pick would be the cuter one, that's why.

Fletchling: Concrete logic to me.

Grace: I see.... So, where are you going?

Serena: To Lumiose City's Pokemon lab. *brightly* I'm going to see the professor and get my very first Pokemon!

Fletchling: *gasps* You hear that, Grace!? She's growing up! I... *tears up, sniffles* I... I have to go. *flies off, wavering voice* I have something in my eye- hi-hi-hi~.... *hits window* OW!


Back in Kanto, a huge ball opens to release confetti and a flock of Pidove as the crowd within the stadium cheer loudly.

Announcer: Welcome one and all to the opening ceremonies of the Pokemon League Indigo Conference! Here, top trainers and their Pokemon all over Kanto come to prove their skill, strength, and spirit! These hopeful competitors will strive for excellence and victory they will need to nter the ranks of Pokemon master!

In the stands, Misty, Brock, Goh, and Kixx cheer with the rest of them as multiple trainers walk out of the four corners of the stadium.

Announcer: and here they come! Our competitors are proudly entering the stadium, each having proven their worthiness by winning a minimum of eight gym badges!

Misty: Woah, how amazing...

Brock: *points down* Hey look, I see Ash!

The others look down to see Ash walking alongside Cobalt and Green, with the boy sporting a nervous expression. A few spaces behind him walked Wes with Solana and Seleno, also sporting a slightly nervous expression.

Goh: And look, there's Wes!... They seem kind of nervous.

In another group walked Gary, who just held a smirk as he walked.

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