Anger | 23

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Since the hideout didn't work out, and neither did Sally's or Poppy' maybe Home would be a good idea. The only reason I think that is because Home has quite a few secret rooms and passage ways, and can apparently switch around the room at free will....if Wally has whatever is going on with the others, I should be fine.

I walked around to the back of Home and knocked on him three times. At first, he tremendously tried his best not to make eye contact with me, but then, with one eye, he glanced at me, then back at something inside.

" That must mean Wally is talking to him inside and safe!" I exclaimed while whispering and began to walk around to the front door. The thing is, when I tried tugging at the door, it didn't budge. Instead, the brush started to rattle at a window. I assumed it was Home and not some kind of wind, so I climbed in, trying to make the least amount of noise as possible.

Once I got inside, it was awfully dark, like pitch black dark. The only light was maybe a fireplace coming from the living room, I assume. I also did hear some talking, although I couldn't make out what was being said, only that it was Wally, and that Home was back to creeks and house noises, rather than a voice I could understand.

I crept a little closer to the living room so I could make out was being said....and they...Wally, was talking about me.

" Home....I really wish Y/n had a phone...I miss her so so much I can't even handle myself..." He sighed and leaned back on the couch. " Creeek.........Creek..?" Home said something, but I really wish I could understand. " I know, I know, but she's my whole world, I just wish she was here right now... Wait, I can just send a minion out to get her~" Wally snickered and dialed up his phone, changing his whole attitude in a second, although the person didn't answer.

" Ugh.....where is my crystal ball?! " Wally yelled in frustration and pushed everything off of the table in front of him. It was mostly apples on the table and maybe some books or papers. Wally then started to yell even louder if that's possible and started to rip up the furniture.

" Why is this place so messy, you nuisance! How am I supposed to know that my precious Y/n is-......" * snif snif * I heard, although that sound coming from Wally didn't make sense, he doesn't have a nose.

" I smell her....I can smell my darling~" He giggled and slowly walked around Home looking for me.

I backed up and hid behind some boxes and painting easels and tried to be silent. This was like something out of a horror movie, maybe Chucky or something. When he knows where you are from the start, but is toying with you the whole time, kind of like a toddler.

I covered my mouth in fear of breathing too loud as I heard him walk into the room. Home surprisingly tried to help me by lifting the floor boards up and down whenever Wally took a step so that he could trip, although it only helped him know that I was in the room.

" Nothing can keep us apart, my darling Y/n~" Wally cooed and continued to push through everything in his way. I watched as the painting fell to the ground. Some got ripped, which I felt kind of bad for. It looked like a lot of work went into them, but maybe not because I could hardly see a thing.

As Wally finally got to the spot I was in, he let out a loud snicker and pulled the box in front of me away.

" Gotcha'~"



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