Love Triangle | 26

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' I sighed until the blindfold was taken off, revealing the tall man before me. It was a really surprising reveal, I almost couldn't believe my eyes. It was Barnaby who had kidnapped me. Adleast, that's what I thought...

" Isn't this a suprise, Y/n? Aren't you so glad to see me? It kind of hurt my feelings that you ran away from me earlier, but then I realized it was a game of tag, and the tagger wins!" Barnaby exclaimed in a sadistic tone. It felt like something Wally would say.

" Is something wrong? Cat got your tongue?" He asked with a giggle. " N-no....why did you take me here though...? I thought that..."

" Well, you thought wrong, sugar. Do ya know what dogs do to mark their property~?" Barnaby leaned close to me, lifting up my chin with one of his chuncky fingers, causing me to let out a gulp.

" I guess you'll just have to find out~" And with that, the blue dog leaned forward for a kiss before a loud screech interrupted him.

" Now, shouldn't be touching things that aren't yours~" The soothing voice that belonged to Wally cooed with a mix of saltiness in between.

" I got to her first. She's mine, so back off!" Barnaby yelled and threw his arm in front of me, showing his sharp teeth to Wally. " Oh, you think I'm scared of a few chompers! If so, you're in for a real treat! I'm sure you wouldn't like it if your arm were to disappear at this very second..." Wally glared. At the moment, it looked like the only thing he had on his face were eyes.

" I will kiss MY love right now if you don't leave Wally...I'm not joking!" Barnaby puckered up and backed up, so we could be side to side. " I am not kidding, Barnaby.....You kiss her now any you won't be alive for much longer. "

Although Barnaby's desires seemed to be stronger than Wally's warnings, so and he got closer, Wally ate his arm and licked his lips afterward.

I'm gonna say that it was traumatizing, to say the least.

Blood was pouring out of the missing area and stained the black and white floor tiles crimson.

Once Barnaby noticed what happened, he quickly felt to the ground, gripping his shoulder in agony.


" I am ever so sorry you had to experience that, my darling...I didn't mean for things to get so dirty. " Wally apologized as he stood on top of Barnaby's head and untied me.

" I-I don't.....I don't wanna g-go with you...." I stuttered out, staring at him with fear of him hurting me next. " Oh....but I didn't give you a choice...did I~¿?" He laughed and walked us out of the basement and back to Home.



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