Ruby Red | 77

188 14 3




As Wally touched the ground, our wings disappeared, but just as that happened, a giant stone ball came out of a wall, so I grabbed his arm and started running.

" What-...what are we running from...?" Wally asked between breaths. " Less talking, more running!" I yelled as I made a sharp left, allowing the ball to fall into a hole which we would have been in if it weren't for the turn.

" It seems like someone locked us up just to kill us... but with that Hispanic voice you heard, did you see a face?" I asked. " No, not a face, a building, I think. It was red and kept calling me buddy..." Wally sighed and dug through his sweater, probably looking for his notepad when a black little box fell out.

" Hmm, what do you think this is?" He passed me the small box. " I don't know..." I mummbled and after investigating I found out it could be opened.

Inside was a....ring...a 55.22 Carat Ruby ring...

" Oooohhh, that's very pretty...!!! I wonder who it's for~" He giggled and grazed over the ring. " Same here..." I handed him the box, trying not to be emotional about it or anything, but I ended up crying.

" Uhmm...I don't know your name, but are you okay?" Wally asked and put a hand on my shoulder. " I'm-..yeha..I'm fine...I just made a really bad mistake...." I broke down and begain to explain to him what happpened, but I used Greg's name instead of Wally's.

" Well, like I said eairler..I don't know much about love, but based off of what my parents do all relashionships have ups and downs. Sometimes they have small little fights like if my first word was " Mama, or Papa" and somethimes they have big fights, like about drinking too much apple juice, but no matter what, they always talk it out in the bedroom, and then it's like nothing happened...But sometimes things don't always work out, like Auntie and Uncle Applebee, but even if so, I'm sure he'll understand if he really loves you. " Wally smiled, making me cry even more, but this time not in a negitive way.

" Thank you, stranger, I'll really take that into-"


A familiar voice yelled out from above, rudely inturupting me. " That's that voice!" Wally pointed up to the celing estaticly. " Home, is that you...? What are you even talking about?" I stood up, but quickly sat back down when some strange entity with a blue suite and Home head floated down from nowhere.

" It's nice to finally see you in person, Y/n...but as just had to foil my plans.....Adleast you were good for one thing though....fixing my little friend here." It would make most sense if I called this guy Home, but before I could even respond to that strange entrance, I was being lifted into the air and I could hardly breathe, so I couldn't say anything to make it stop.

" Stop it, put her down!" Wally yelled at him, but he only shook his head no. " You're sticking up for the girl who will soon have you on your death-bed? How hilarious...! But no, I have improtant matters to attdend to, such as getting us back up and running. "

Home then swirled his finger in a circle, making a portal appear infront of us that displayed my attic. " There is the first destination where the brainwashing will start...and I know how much you want to go and see the world, but first you need to make new episodes!" And with that, he somehow shrunk Wally, and then threw him into his chemney.

" No, you little punk I-"

" There are no room for'll go with the rest of them. "

Home pointed at me, ripping my necklace off, which caused me to fall into the void.


I know, cliffhanger, sorry. It's late and I'm getting tired, but I'm really excited for next chapter, so stay tooned!

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