Chapter 37

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Akina squeezed through the people standing around. She was only gone for a moment to get something to eat and as soon as she started the information came that the test was over. She didn't want to know how finished her team looked. From Gaara she heard an incident concerning his bijuu when he came back injured. "Out of the way." she muttered as she carefully pushed people aside to move forward.

Her team couldn't even see Akina properly and were immediately taken in by her. "Thank God you're all right," she said with relief, hugging them to her. "We..can't..breathe!" gasped Lee and quickly Akina let go of her friends. "I'm sorry.", she smiled and looked briefly at Neji who didn't know how to act right now. "You have to tell me everything. Every little detail!" she grinned, taking the burden off the Hyuga.

"We'll tell you when we're done with the exam," Lee promised. "Listen up, everyone. I and have gotten together with the council and have come to a decision. You have all passed the exam and it is up to your Kage to assign your ranks. They have already received our reports on you," Gaara spoke and the genin were a bit surprised. There was no third exam?

"What do you think Tsunade will decide?" asked Hinata who joined with the others. The teams from Konoha looked at each other. "I don't know. Hopefully we won't stay genin.", Ino spoke and put her hands on her hips. "Otherwise, all our work will have been for nothing." Akina looked at each one and laughed lightly. "Don't worry, Tsunade always makes the right decision." "That's easy for you to say! You're already a Jonin!" grumbled Kiba, crossing his arms. Smirking, she looked at the brown-haired man. "Don't be so jealous, Kiba."

"Me!? Why would I be jealous!!!" he yelled at the Uchiha. "I was just kidding!" she laughed and ran towards the gate. "Are you coming with me, or are you going to stay here in the desert?", Akina asked, running out of Suna. "Hey wait up!" shouted TenTen, running after her friend. She didn't want to spend another minute here. She was fed up with sand.

The rest of the Konoha genin glared after the team. "I don't understand this team," Ino said. Sakura smiled as she headed off as well. "Neither do I but they stick together no matter what." Ino had to agree with the haruno. Even if Akina and Lee were a bit more special they held their team together. When she thought about it, they were certainly the strongest team.

It didn't take long until everyone had gathered at Tsunade's place. The team leaders and Akina were also allowed to be there to find out what rank they would get. Tsunade looked at the teams and smiled slightly. She reported her opinion on the exams and upgraded everyone as chunin. She left Guy's team out for a moment on this one, which caused confusion. "I had to think more about you guys," Tsunade said, propping her chin up. Nervously, Lee fidgeted, hoping for some good news. "Congratulations TenTen and Lee you are now chunin." the senju pronounced. However, there was no cheering from the two.

"What about Neji?" asked Lee in a moment. He didn't want to rejoice if his friend wasn't upgraded. Even Akina didn't understand why Neji wasn't mentioned. He was a gifted ninja after all.

 "In the face of the facts that had happened, Neji acted differently than a chunin should. His abilities already surpassed in his childhood. That's why he won't become a chunin.", Tsunade spoke calmly and waited a moment. "Whaat!? They can't do that!" grumbled TenTen and the other teams couldn't understand it either. "I wasn't done yet." Questioningly, the brown haired girl looked at Tsunade. "Neji I hereby skip your chunin rank. You are now officially a Jonin."

In the room you could hear a pin drop because no one said anything. The first to realize what was happening was Akina, who could no longer hold back. Joyfully she cried out and fell around the Hyuga's neck who didn't quite realize it yet. "Hey Neji. You're a Jonin now, like me!" beamed Akina as she broke away from him a bit. The Hyuga was joyfully embraced by everyone. Everyone was happy about it. Neji deserved it the most out of all of them. "Thank you." he said to Tsunade who nodded with a smile.

She knew she had made the right decision. Neji should have been a Jonin long ago in her eyes. But since the elders had refused, she had to wait for this moment to bypass the rules. It had been a good idea of Gaara to leave the rest to the Kage.

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