Chapter 50

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Sasuke had already tried to kill Itachi several times. However, each time he was caught in a genjutsu. When he finally sat over him, Itachi raised his fingers and pointed them at the chair that stood in the room. Sasuke turned his head to the right and was again in a genjutsu. Itachi sat in the chair without an emotion and glared at him. "Fight me already!" shouted Sasuke, looking confused at the wreath of flowers which landed in front of his feet. "What am I supposed to do with this!!!" he shouted, wanting to step his foot on it. "A gift from our sister.", Itachi spoke monotonously, who had already put his wreath on. Sasuke's foot was still a few millimeters away above the flowers. His eyes widened as he recognized the blossoms he must have had in his hair so many times before. So he was with Akina!? "What did you do to her!" he shouted angrily.

"I said goodbye to her!" said Itachi, trying not to show any emotion. What did he mean by goodbye!!! Had he said goodbye and then killed her when she made the wreaths happy!? "Why would I put on the wreath?" asked Sasuke, not wanting to show Itachi what he was feeling right now. "It was to protect us in battle. Go put it on." Was Akina worried about him despite everything? Sasuke gritted his teeth and picked up the wreath to put it on his head.

The battle was now in full swing. Itachi was proud of Sasuke for making it this far. If he had not activated his Susanoo, he would not have survived this lightning dragon. He wanted to die but not when Orochimaru was still inside him. "Is that all, little brother?" provoked Itachi. Sasuke became angry and trembled as he activated his curse. He would show him how strong he really was!

As soon as Sasuke activated his curse, Orochimaru appeared and licked his lip. The corners of Itachi's mouth lifted as he sucked up the snake with his Susanoo to free Sasuke from him. Briefly, Itachi coughed and held his hand in front of him. His illness was tugging at his strength. He had to hurry.

Slowly he ran towards his little brother who kept running backwards. Sasuke was panicking. He had used every jutsu and Itachi was still standing. Why was he so strong!

When Sasuke felt a wall behind his back, he could no longer move. Slowly, Itachi raised his fingers and would surely take his eyes in a moment. But he felt a gentle tap on his forehead which he knew too well. His hands trembled as he looked into Itachi's face.

A smile played around Itachi's face. "Forgive me, Sasuke," Itachi whispered before collapsing in front of him. His heart began to beat slower and as Itachi's dull eyes looked up into the sky he could see Shisui's face. His best friend was waiting for him and when he thought it was all over he could hear a laugh. "Hah! You are!" laughed Akina. He would never forget that laugh as he chased her around the garden. He knew she was in good hands with Neji.

Akina did not know how long she sat in the forest. Only when she felt a sharp pain in her chest did she know it was over. Tears streamed down her cheeks and her heart burst into a thousand pieces. "Itachi-Nii..." she whispered, crying. The rain pelted down on the Uchiha. She didn't care if she got sick. She had completely forgotten about the plants just as she had forgotten about time. She had lost her big brother who had done everything for her.

Neji was worried about his girlfriend. Actually, she should have been back long ago. Nervously, he stood at the main gate and waited for her. Because of the rain, he couldn't see that far into the forest with his Byakugan.

"Crap." he muttered and when Team 7 came back he heard that Sasuke had fought Itachi. Panic rose in him though when he heard that. He had to find Akina and as soon as possible. He told Izumo and Kutetsu that he would get Akina and ran. He didn't care if Tsunade got angry.

The sun had long since set and Neji kept his byakugan activated. Eventually he would be able to see her through all the trees and rain. Briefly, he paused and took a breath. How far was she from Konoha? A cry brought him out of his thoughts. It wasn't far from here, and Neji made his way there. "Akina!" he cried in relief when he saw that she was still alive.

 He quickly knelt down next to her and pulled her to him. Akina's hand was placed on her mouth to muffle her crying. Had she been gone so long that Neji had to look for her? "He's dead... Neji!" she cried, clinging to her friend. Gently, he stroked her hair to calm her down a bit. On the ground he recognized some flowers which looked chipped. What Itachi here before he went to Sasuke? "He was here Neji! He was here and I couldn't stop him!"

Neji looked down at the ground. Only faint footprints of a man were still visible. Why was he doing this to her?

Why did he come to her only to die? Neji hugged his girlfriend more. He never wanted to see her sad again, he had sworn to himself. He would help her cope with Itachi's death. He would do everything for her. "I am here Akina. I will never leave you," Neji said and kissed her head.

The spring flower Neji FFWhere stories live. Discover now