Chapter 46

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"Let go of me..." grumbled little Sasuke as Akina took hold of him again. "Nothing there you get flowers now." she smiled, "I don't want to..Mamaaaa!" 

Mikoto looked at the two of them with amusement. Even though Sasuke didn't like it, he loved to see his big sister happy. "Why don't you hold still Sasuke? It doesn't hurt at all, does it?" smiled Mikoto. "But it's embarrassing!" he grumbled as he already had some flowers in his hair. "Oh come on, it looks pretty!" his mother smiled. "It's not pretty!"

"Come on Sasuke, leave them.", came from Itachi who just came home from his training. "Itachi-Nii!!!" beamed Akina, looking up at him as she sat on the floor with Sasuke. "Brother, can't you tell her to stop?" pouted little Sasuke.

"Sorry Sasuke, but you have to go through with it," came from him. "After this, it's your turn Itachi-Nii!", Akina ordered and smiled. Sasuke looked at his sister in amazement. "Whaaat you can't do that!" Itachi laughed a little and put his hand on her head. "I'm looking forward to it."

Sasuke did not understand at all why his brother did something like that voluntarily. However, when he saw the beaming face of Akina, he could not help but smile. "But please do it after dinner," came from Mikoto who was already setting the table. "It's enough if Sasuke already has to sit at the table with the flowers." 

Akina nodded and finished doing her brother's hair. "Fertiiiiig!" she exclaimed, pleased with the result. She knew he didn't always like it when she used it, so she promised to train with him when Itachi couldn't. "About time," Sasuke said, puffing out his cheeks. Laughing, she tapped her little brother on the forehead. "That's what we're training for, huh?" she smiled causing him to nod happily.

The next day, Akina skipped to the training ground, which Sasuke found embarrassing. Sometimes he thought she was the youngest of them and not him.

"Today we practice with the shuriken, yes?" Sasuke's eyes lit up when he heard this and nodded. The last time he had tried, he had sprained his ankle and Itachi had to carry him home. "Let's see what you can do already, then," Akina asked, sounding a little more serious than usual. Little Sasuke shot his shuriken, hitting the targets every now and then. "Hm..You have the wrong technique." she pronounced, realizing what he was trying to do. "Try to find your own technique Sasuke. You don't have to have it the same as Itachi." "But his throwing technique is cool!" he immediately grumbled.

"Listen. Itachi is bigger and built differently than you. Besides, your little paw hands are still too small for that. Try loosening your wrists a little more," Akina smiled. "I don't have paw hands!" Amused, she looked at her brother and said nothing more in response. "Why do you always have to tease me?" he asked, crossing his arms. "Because you're my little brother and big siblings do that," she laughed, ruffling his hair.

"Youuu, Nee-chan?" "Huh?" "Why does Itachi play so little with us?" he asked as Akina carried him home. He had overstressed himself again and could barely stand. "Don't take it amiss with him. He's very busy as far as his team is concerned. You know he's the best of our clan." "But he has time to play with you too, doesn't he?" he said, resting his chin on her shoulder.

 "He doesn't always have time, Sasuke. I usually bug him until he gives in. You know no one can refuse me anything not even father.", Akina laughed a little. "But he loves you Sasuke, even if he doesn't show it to you like that," she spoke more seriously again. "Besides, I'm still here for you, aren't I?" Smiling, Sasuke nodded and blushed a little. He always had only Itachi in his mind and always wanted to be as good as him. He had always forgotten that Akina had always played with him and trained him. "Sorry Nee-chan..." he mumbled. "Oh what's not so bad." she laughed, "I'm here for you and you can always come to me yes?"

Beaming, Sasuke nodded and wrapped his arms around her neck a little more. He loved his big sister just as much and was glad she at least spent time with him. "I love you Nee-chan." "I love you too Sasuke."

In the middle of the night, Akina woke up. Why was she dreaming about him now? She had to admit that she missed him very much and looked again at the picture on the dresser. Tears ran down her cheeks as she thought about not having done anything to stop him. Although she knew he would never forget his revenge, she should have done more. Was she dreaming of Sasuke because she felt guilty? Akina took the picture in her hands and ran her thumb over Sasuke's face. "I hope you're okay..."

Sasuke stared at the ceiling in his room almost at the same time. It was a silent night in which he was torn from sleep by this dream. He didn't know if Akina dreamed the same, but he felt alone, as he often did. He missed her face and laughter. Her gentle and cheerful manner which made all problems disappear like air. How much he wished right now that she made him decorate his hair with flowers.

I wonder if she was still in Konoha. He hadn't heard from her at all. Was she even still alive, or had Itachi taken her from him as well? When he thought about it, anger boiled inside him. If he killed Akina, then he would surely show him no more mercy! Never should Itachi take away the only hold he still had. He regretted telling her that she was weak. He had never seen her fight, but what Orochimaru told him was not weak at all. She was there for him when he felt lonely when Itachi wasn't playing with him. "Nee-chan I will return to you soon," he spoke softly. Soon it was time for him to kill Orochimaru.

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