"Don't laugh"

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---Emily's POV---

'Hey this is Brandon, Can't come to the phone right now, You know what to do..'**beep***

"Hey babe, it's me... you know, your girlfriend?" Brandon hadn't called or texted me since he told me he landed at Japan. He was due home in a day or two and I had no idea where and when to pick him up. "You haven't called, and I've been calling. Is everything alright? anyways, I have one more exam for midterms.. the first four went good. this is my last... wish me luck? Anyways, text me... call me.. Email me whatever! I just wanna know you're ok I-"

'voicemail is full' ....
YOu have to be kidding me?!?! I closed my phone and walked into my classroom. One more exam, that's all that was left.  My stomach has been hurting badly today. I hope I wasn't catching that bug I had a few days ago. The day that Harry had sang to me from my balcony. We hadn't talked or even texted since the day of the park. I was still hurt that he gave that girl his number, and I'm pretty sure he was hurt that I wouldn't call him my boyfriend... just my best friend. Gosh my stomach has been killing me...

"Hello Emily, are you ready for the exam?" Mrs. Winston greeted, I nodded my head and grabbed the test she was handing out. "How's that curly haired Adonis?" she asked me, giving me a wink. She was talking about Harry. 

"I'm not sure... haven't really spoken to him ma'am."

"Celebrities" she rolled her eyes, causing me to giggle. 

The exam wasn't difficult, I used the last few days of quietness to an advantage and studied. I had read over my notes for hours. Now, with the exam right infront of me, it was a breeze. A good thing too, considering that my stomach was hurting so badly. 

I finished my exam with minutes to spare. Standing up, something didn't feel right. I was about to exit the room, when a girl in my class grabbed me and whispered in my ear. 

"Aunt flow just paid you a visit" she hurriedly whispered. I gave her a confused look. What was she talking about? She tilted her head to the side, pointing towards the back of my jeans. 

"what are you tal- oh my god! thank you," I ran towards the restroom. shit shit shit shit, I thought to myself. Ugh this was a busy day at school also, just my luck. I ran into the bathroom, praying no one saw. I would just drive home and it would be the end of that... but I was paranoid of driving, since I had a horrible dream of the accident. I took the bus instead. GREAT! 

I was contemplating on what to do... Brandon wasn't here... he wouldn't have came even if he was. Last time he said no I called... Harry! yes I'll call Harry.  I took my phone out and began dialing his phone number. 

A few rings passed, still no answer. Was he doing this on purpose?? 

"Damnit Harry! answer your phone!!"

'Hey, it's Styles, Harry Styles... not able to come to the phone right now but-' I shut my phone closed. uuugghhh Harry! ....and what was that whole James Bond intro??? Anyways, I had to think fast, It was about lunchtime, so I knew alot of people were going to be walking the halls. 

Liam! I'll call Liam. We had exchanged numbers that afternoon that he saw me under the bridge. I dialed his number as quickly as I could. Please answer... Please... Please...

"Hello?" a deep english voice answered.

"LIAM!!!" I yelled from the joy of him answering. 

"OW!! that was my ear... I need them you know" I giggled, only to be interrupted by a flush from one of the stalls next to me. "Are you in the restroom?" he laughed. "That's sick." 

"Liam, I need your help... Don't laugh...."

---Liam's POV--- 

This was embarassing for both me and Emily. Still, I was the responsible one, and I was the closest to her aside from Harry. In fact, I had to drive to Harry's house because she had left some clothes behind the day it stormed. I was to go to Harry's, pick up the clothes, and take them to Emily. 

Knocking hard on Harry's door, he finally came out. However, he was not alone. There was a blonde girl right behind him. She was in a bikini, that's when I noticed Harry in trunks. They were about to get into the pool from the looks of it. 

"What is it?" Harry asked, shocked that I banged on the door so hard. 

"Listen, Harry, Em-" I looked at the girl who was standing behind him. Pulling him out onto the patio, I whispered into his ear, "Emily had a little acciden-"

"WHAT?!?! WHERE IS SHE? LIAM IS SHE OK????" his loud questions made me jump. I should have worded my sentence another way. 

"What? no she's fine, not that kind of accident... she started her.... Monthly." I tried hinting to the best of my ability. At first, Harry looked confused, then his eyes widened.. there you go buddy, put the puzzle together. 

"Oh. My. God." his deep voice whispered. 

"Can you give me the clothes she left the other day?" He nodded and walked towards his room. Leaving me and the blonde girl alone. She just sat on the couch, waiting for Harry. It didn't take long for him to come back. 

"Alright, let's go..." He said, coming out of his room. He looked at the blonde with an apologetic look. "maybe next time." he stated to her, which was her que to leave. She rolled her eyes, and walked out. 

"Wait, you're coming? Emily said you were ignoring her. And what's with the blonde?" I bombarded him with questions. He stared at me for a bit, then plopped himself onto the couch. His hands covering his face. Did I hit a sore spot? 

"I don't know Liam... I just... I don't know!" he said, talking into his hands. Ok... I DID hit a sore spot. I sat beside him, placing my hand onto his back. 

"What is it mate?" 

"It's Emily man! She's perfect! She's sweet, smart, caring, and my god is she beautiful! She's my ideal girl... everything about her... is perfect!." He wasn't crying, but he sure did look hurt. "and that idiot boyfriend of her gets her?!? what kind of bullshit is that??" 

"I know lad but-"

"No! no butts! she deserves better than that asswhole! she deserves everything!. Yes, I know he's done alot for her, but he treats her like she's nothing! You know, the other day I sang to her, I took her out, I helped her when she was ill... and all she kept saying was how 'great of a friend I am' about how 'I was her best friend' when this whole time I'm doing much more than that Brandon guy." he put his face back into his hands. He looked a mess.


"And then that kiss-"

"Kiss? you kissed her?" He nodded his head.

"The day I found her scar, the day she cooked for me. She had gone to her room to change, and I slipped in without her hearing. I walked up from behind her and began kissing her. And after a while, she kissed back... but then that girl from the club.. Jennifer Texted." this reminded me of the blonde. 

"And the girl?" I pointed towards the door, indicating where the blonde girl had walked out of. 

"I was just trying to get Emilly out of my head...." he whispered, looking towards the ground. I nodded in understanding... poor guy. He stayed  quiet for a while, just staring at his hands. Afte a while, he spoke. "Listen Liam... could you do me a favor?" he asked me.. then began to smile like his cheeky self. 

What does this guy have planned?

(a/n omg guys I hope you liked this chapter haha it's embarassing for her to have to have called Liam... 

QUESTION OF THE DAY!!!:  if you were Emily and your "aunt flow came to town" ... and you had to called 1/5... who would it be AND what emotions would go through your mind?

haha omg so much feels o.O haha 




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