Chapter 76: Experts At Avoiding Death

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Rose felt like she just made the biggest mistake of her life by accepting the task of fighting a raging basilisk alongside the person she despised the most.

Albus was the mastermind behind a series of bad ideas, such as splitting up the group, having a pair go and face a basilisk and another face the leader of the Death Eaters, and last but not least, pairing Rose and Natalia Zabini together. Albus was mad to even suggest these, but Rose couldn't think of a better battle strategy. The odds definitely weren't in their favor. This battle was already shaping up to be a disaster.

Begrudgingly, Rose followed Natalia down the dark second floor corridor, where they managed to get without running into Death Eaters. Panicked screams could still be heard behind them towards the main stairwell, prompting the girls to walk faster. The corridor was much colder than usual, and reeked of sewage water. When Rose took her next step, she heard a splash underneath her feet, and the tops of her shoes were soaked. There was a massive puddle of water on the floor.

"Stop," Natalia said, stopping abruptly and putting her arm out in front of Rose to stop her also. She pointed up towards the ceiling. "Look."

Rose followed her gaze and her eyes widened. A large pipe had been busted open, undoubtably from the basilisk, and was gushing murky water onto the floor, flooding the next half of the corridor. The water level was nearly ankle-high.

Goosebumps appeared on Rose's skin as she stepped forward and let her feet sink in the cold water. She stepped on something, and when she moved her away, she let out a strangled gasp and jumped away. Her eyes followed the human hand she'd just stepped on and found a young girl in tattered Gryffindor robes lying half-submerged in the water on her back, her eyes wide and glazed over. There were puncture marks from fangs across her chest that continued to ooze blood. Rose covered her mouth with her hands to restrict a sob from escaping.

"Just keep going," Natalia said, tugging at Rose's arm. "There's nothing we can do for her now."

Her tone was a bit snappy, but then again, that wasn't new coming from Natalia Zabini. Rose let out a shaky sigh, still disturbed from seeing a little girl's dead body, and followed her, hating every second of this. She did not enjoy being bossed around.

"You know, hostility will get us nowhere," Rose said, breaking the silence.

Natalia snorted. "And what is that supposed to mean?"

"I understand you hate me," Rose said slowly, choosing her words carefully. "But don't you think if we at least try to be civil with each other, we'll have a better chance at defeating the basilisk?"

Suddenly, Natalia stopped walking and turned to Rose, then laughed. "You think I hate you? Rose, you're the one who hates me. And don't even think about lying to me."

"Well," Rose began candidly. "Hate is a strong word. But I most certainly don't like you. And I know it's the same likewise."

Natalia raised her hands in an apologetic gesture. "Hey, I get it. We both have our reasons to dislike each other."

"Yeah, mines when you kissed my boyfriend and ruined our relationship," Rose said virulently, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring at Natalia.

Upon hearing this, Natalia's shoulders slackened and she stared at her feet in a shameful manner. "Ah, yes. That."

"Why'd you do it?" Rose questioned her, letting the anger she felt that day when Natalia kissed Scorpius show.

Natalia was silent for a moment. Then she mumbled, "Lucius made me do it."

"What?" Rose mouth gaped in disbelief.

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