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"Kelsey?" (A/N- at least ten parts start like this)

"Hey." I say, quietly.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"How in the world did you get there?"

"It was an accident. I got on the wrong train and- yeah. I didn't know where to go. So here I am."

"Why did you leave?"

"Um, can I tell you some other time?"

"Um, yeah. Okay." He tells me that I'll be able to get back to New York soon but has to go because he has a meeting. I return to finish my muffin.

"She's still trembling." Sam whispers at some point, probably thinking I can't hear her, especially because I'm exhausted and watching the screen with my head resting on the back past of the couch and my knees pulled up.

"Give it time." Candace whispers.

"But she looks so sick. Should we tell Lin how she really is?"

"I can here you." I tell them, glancing at them.

"Oh. Sorry. Need anything?"

"No thanks. Honestly, I'm fine. Pinky swear." I say. Amber reaches over and grabs my hand lifting it so that I actually do pinky swear. I laugh.

"Now stop shaking so you can come to the theater."

"I'll try."
"This cast is insane."

"New York isn't?" I shrug. Maybe more, maybe less, but I've known the NY cast longer and I think I'm immune.

"I think I got down the names of everyone in here."

"Impressive. Try." I list off the names of everyone in the dressing room without messing up. My biggest accomplishment. I hang out in there for a while and talk to some of them and sing with people.

"Hey, I've never actually heard your voice." Amber says.

"This is my second time meeting you."

"True. Now hit the highest note you can."

"Or else?"

"I'll throw you out on the street. Please don't take that literally. But please sing." I don't end up singing alone but I do with Justice and Sam who ignore the fact that they should probably rest their voices before the show. But we don't sing for long. Just until they're dressed and stuff. I stay in the dressing room, drawing until Carleigh's name lights up on my screen.

"Hey." I say, answering it.

"Bean! You're okay. How's Chicago?"

"Kinda nice. They don't know anything about me. Or very little. So nice. How's New York?"

"About you as in?"

"My life. Moving on."

"You're going to ask me what it's like in the city you grew up in, in the district you live in, and at the theater you worked at?"

"What's the weather?"



"How'd you get there?"

"By modern means of transportation."

"Wow. So you aren't going to tell me anything."

"Not of you aren't."

"Right. That thing with you and needing answers in return."

"Well, you finally figured that out." She laughs. We talk for a little while but I won't tell her how I got here. Just, "My dad didn't kill the girl."

"He didn't?"

"He was after someone else. So he's back in jail anyways."

"Is she okay?"

"Yeah. I think. Maybe."

"Is she you?"


"Why can't you hug someone through a phone." I laugh.

"Can we move on though?"

"Fine. Wanna hear about Sebast-"

"Yes." We continue to talk until I hear someone coming. "I have to go Carleigh."

"Okay. Well, text me when you can."

"I will. Bye."

"Bye." I hang up and look towards the door.

"She'll just stay in Chicago then. She was supposed to come here anyways." Someone says.

"They never asked her. They were gonna mention it but she left for some unknown reason."

"We can talk to her."

"But we can't take her away from Lin that fast. He knows stuff that we don't and there's a reason that he's skeptical about us asking to bring her here. Look, We'll figure it out. It's not for you to deal with. And Amber?"


"Don't ask about her past."

"I won't." Good.

She opens the door and stops when she sees me.

"Hey, you're awake."

"I never slept."


"Where's everyone else?"

"Backstage or in the wings or something. I'm surprised that no one is back yet." I ask her about the show and eventually more people come in.

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