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AN: This story is a long, beautiful, tragic, action packed, fun, hope filled adventure about LOVE in it's various forms. A crazy roller-coaster! I wrote this in college and people really enjoyed it. Hope for the same here!

This story has a soundtrack. I will post the names of the songs, and where they start in the story. If you don't have them, you can find them for free on Youtube or Spotify a lot of the times. I can't strongly encourage you enough to listen to these specific musical selections while you read! It adds so much to it, and I often use certain songs or themes for 'character' themes or moments in time. They are as much of the story as anything else in the telling. :)

Music this chapter: (just keep it all on repeat until I tell you next song) Stay or Leave by Dave Matthews, Nothing Compares by Sinead O'Connor, The Scientist by Coldplay.

Disclaimer: I do not own the ALIAS characters presented in this story.

"Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny." - C.S. Lewis



(Begins immediately after Season Two Finale when leaving Mexico City: Recap on 'The Plan')

*Stay or Leave*

Jack sat silently staring out the window of the cargo plane that was carrying the team back to Los Angeles from Mexico City; his face expressionless; his mind in a fog. Moments from the last year were fleeting through his mind in rapid succession like an old 8mm film; moments that had brought him to the present and his current predicament. The pain his body was feeling from Sloane's torture was nothing in comparison to the pain he felt in his heart; though he would never admit to either.

"Dad…"Sydney spoke softly sliding into the seat next to him, taking hold of his hand, bringing him back to the real world. "Are you ok?" The look of concern for her father was evident on her face.

"Yes, Sweetheart." Jack gave her a small smile that reached his lips, but not his eyes, as he returned a gentle squeeze of her hand. "I'm fine." He stated, quickly adding, "Really," to Sydney's arched eyebrows of disbelief. "This is nothing." His reply threw his mind suddenly back in time just two short months ago when Irina had responded with the same answer as he finished removing the tracker from her shoulder.

"Dad," Sydney jolted his mind away from thoughts of Irina once again, "I know you've been through worse. I just…" She stammered, looking down at their entwined hands, unsure of how to approach the subject. "I just… you looked a little lost in thought and you've been so quiet since we left Mexico City… I just wanted to make sure you were 'ok?' You know, with everything that has happened in the last few days… months really." A quick fleeting smile passed Jack's lips as Sydney finally looked up at him. "I'm sorry I didn't get to you sooner, but we had no idea where to look until we captured Sark and he gave up the location where Sloane was keeping you-"

"Sark?" Jack gasped interrupting his daughter's nervous rambling, surprised by the mention of the man's name. "What do you mean you 'captured Sark?' Where and how did you know where to look?" His mind so lost in thought and swimming with whatever drug Sloane had used, he hadn't bothered to ask before how they managed to find him.

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