45) Take My Breath Away

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AN: Music for this chapter (on repeat): Crimson Tide Theme by Hans Zimmer from The Crimson Tide Soundtrack, Holla' If You Hear Me (The Rebel) by Tupac, Take My Breathe Away by Berlin.



*Crimson Tide*

Atlantic Ocean- 200 miles off the coast of Spain

Jack, Sydney, Vaughn, Weiss, Dixon, Carrie and Marshall stood on the deck of the US Juneau warship in life vests and Navy clothes scanning the horizon with binoculars.

The ship was in the middle of the Annual War Games and had agreed to drop them with their transportation ship.

"Are you certain these are the coordinates Agent Bristow?" Capt. Rabb adjusted his binoculars as they ship swayed beneath them and Marshall looked green with seasickness.

"Positive Captain. I've double-checked twice. This is the spot." Jack furrowed his brow again, looking down at the coordinates in his hand.

"I don't see anything yet. Seaman Smith!" The Captain hollered.

"Yes sir?" The young man in a Navy blue hat, light blue shirt and orange vest stood at attention at his side.

"Has the radar picked up any ships in the 100 mile radius?" The Captain continued scanning the sea for signs of the ship.

"Yes sir. Three ships. One heading towards us, one headed East and the other South East, sir."

The young man snapped out in a loud clear voice. He couldn't have been more then eighteen years old.

"Excellent." The Captain smiled. "Sounds like you're ride should be here soon Agent Bristow!" He turned his head smiling at Jack.

Suddenly the sea rippled and a black submarine shot out from beneath the sea less then 200 yards off the bow.

"Holy shit!" Captain Rabb screamed watching the unidentified submarine break the surface in front of them and everyone else gapped in awe."Seaman Smith who the hell is that and why didn't we see them coming?" The Captain turned red in rage as the deck crew scrambled to ready positions.

"Wait, that's not a US submarine Capt.?" Jack and everyone else asked watching the giant black bullet bobbed in the waves, believing that it was.

"No, Agent Bristow it is not!" The Captain was furious another team caught them on surprise.

"They're not on the sonar Sir." The young man frantically checked the equipment. "They're still not showing up! Wait...I'm getting something," The young man pressed his head set to his ears, "It's the Russians, sir!"

"Dear God!" Jack's eyes bugged out.

The black hatch opened and a pool of water fell inside before a young Russian sailor smiled up at them. "Welcome aboard!"

They dropped down through the hatch one at a time in disbelief, following the sailor through the narrow passage ways, watching as the Russian's working at various posts throughout the enourmous sub as they were led to the bow.

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