26) I Am Sorry

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AN: Music for this chapter (on repeat): Daughters by John Mayer, Don't by Shania Twain, Red Square by Call of Duty Soundtrack



Around 3:00 a.m. Lena awoke Irina from her sleep with a small cry of hunger.

"Shhh..." Irina immediately sprang awake and spoke softly in Russian to her baby, trying to calm her while she maneuvered her night gown top up and the baby over closer to her.

Lena's cries immediately subsided as soon as she latched onto her mother, her eyes immediately closing again to nurse in her sleep.

Irina smiled softly, adjusting her arm under her head so that she was propped up enough to look at Lena while still lying down. She pulled the blanket covering her up around the both of them and it was only then, did she realize she didn't remember covering herself with one. She glanced over to the nightstand and saw the iPod resting there.

"Jack." She whispered quietly into the darkness with a sigh, realizing that it was he who'd been in her room and covered them. Her thoughts immediately went back to the night's events. Running her free hand over the empty, cool space beside her where he should have been, brought tears to her eyes. She wanted nothing more then to be snuggled against his chest, safe in his warm embrace as he spooned her from behind. She'd quickly become reacquainted with their former sleeping position these past few days she was actually able to find sleep without threat of nightmares.

Sleep eluded Irina for the rest of the night and she passed the time on her balcony watching the sky change colors with the rising sun. Just before 5:00 a.m. she put on another white bikini with a wrap and made her way quietly downstairs with the baby who'd just fallen asleep again after her morning feeding.

Irina was surprised to find Jack asleep or rather, passed out and half hanging off the couch in the downstairs living room. She was in the middle of contemplating whether or not to leave the sleeping Lena in the living room with Jack when Weiss appeared at the bottom of the steps. His hair was wild from sleep and was yawning but he managed to smile and wave 'good morning' to Irina when he spotted her.

"Good Morning, Eric." She said quietly, smiling as she made her way around the kitchen, the baby asleep against her chest.

"Morning." He smiled in return as he took a seat on the stool in the kitchen. Seeing her in that bikini again snapped him out of any lingering sleepiness. She was Sydney's mom, she was old enough to be his mother, but he couldn't help it. Irina was gorgeous even with a sick, nasty bruise just across her face and he doubted anyone wouldn't agree with that assessment. "Let me take her." He whispered quietly, motioning with his fingers for Irina to hand the baby to him seeing she had her hands full trying to take her blood sugar and prepare insulin.

Happily she passed the baby off to one of her godfathers and smiled as she watched him snuggle Lena into his own chest, dropping a kiss to the top of her head.

"Were you going somewhere?" He asked quietly, pouring himself a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice.

"I was going to go for a swim this morning," She paused long enough to press the plunger of the syringe into her upper thigh, "But Sydney's not awake yet. I was going to leave her here... asleep with Jack but am having second thoughts on that as he drank so much vodka last night, I doubt he would wake up if Lena begins to cry." She eyed him from across the kitchen, noting that his head and arm now hung off the side of the couch, following suit of his left leg, which already hung there.

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