2) Misunderstandings

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The following takes place immediately after we see Sydney slide down the wall after her battle with Allison in the episode, 'The Telling.'

Music for this Chapter (on repeat) : Che Valiers De Sangreal and Malleus Mareficarum by Hans Zimmer from The Da Vinci Code Soundtrack, O Fortuna by Carl Orff



Jack felt his blood run cold when he got the call. Sydney was missing and possibly dead. Vaughn had gone back to the house after they landed from Mexico City, as promised to pick up Sydney for their weekend in Santa Barbara but the scene he found was horrific. Blood sprays and spatters on the walls in Sydney's bedroom, everything in the house had been broken or turned over from some heavy fighting and Will was bleeding to death lying in the bathtub. Francie and Sydney were nowhere to be found.

Vaughn immediately called the ambulance and the CIA, who rushed to the scene. DNA samples were taken from the blood smear on the wall in Sydney's bedroom and the rapid genetics test performed confirmed it was indeed Sydney's blood. Jack had arrived on the scene 10 minutes after he received the phone call from Vaughn and his heart sank at the news. Sloane. Sloane was responsible for this, Jack was sure.

Jack would stop at nothing to find out what had happened to his daughter. Will finally re-gained consciousness after three days and confirmed what they had already suspected, that 'Francie' was actually Allison Doran, the other Helix-double.

Weeks had now gone by, and no new leads on Sloane's whereabouts could be found. The trail had gone cold on both he and Irina Derevko. Jack wondered if Irina knew what happened to their daughter, or perhaps was even involved in her disappearance. All plausible explanations for Irina's motives in doing so made no sense though.

He had to find Irina; she was the only one who could help them now with her massive network and inside knowledge. The last few weeks had taken their toll on Jack. He wasn't eating, barely sleeping and working endlessly to find his daughter... and Irina. He sat at his desk going over everything he had on the case, again, looking for something he might have missed when he saw Marshall running towards him out of breath and stumbling to find his words. "Slow down, Marshall..." Jack was growing impatient and yet empathetic for the young man who was obviously in distress and had been since Sydney had disappeared.

"Sir... Agent Bristow... we've just received an email on a secure server concerning your daughter!" Marshall rambled out; sweat beads forming on his brow.

"Who's sending them, Marshall?" Jack asked already having an idea what the answer was.

"Your wife, I mean your ex-wife... Irina Derevko, sir." Marshall finally got out, unsure what to call this woman who baffled everyone in the office. "Here," he said handing Jack a half crumbled piece of paper, the ink smeared for Marshall's sweaty hands. The paper simple read, 'The Covenant... new organization dedicated to Rambaldi, run by a man called 'Lazarey,' with the help of Cuvee and Sloane.'

"Cuvee." Jack hissed his name remembering the encounter with the man in Kashmir.

Kendall heard the commotion and joined the group forming around Jack. "You received new Intel?" He demanded, "What's it say?" Taking the paper from Jack's hand and glancing over it quickly. "Well this can't be good. Who's this Intel from?" He asked looking around the small group gathering waiting for an answer, and finally zeroing in on Jack.

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